JeffM wrote:
JeffM wrote:
Whenever I see these long diatribes about SeaMonkey,
I note that they never mention the authors' participation
in the Release Candidate trial/review process.

Jay Garcia wrote:
What else is required other than to be a "user",

A critique that comes as late as so many of these do
could easily be characterized as "bitching".

OTOH, those folks who are prone to complaining
*should* be the ones who point out shortcomings
**when something can more easily be done about those**
i.e. **early** aka **during pre-release**.

I thought his post was quite eloquent
and nowhere near being "trollish".

Not complaining about the content; it's the *timing* that bugs me.


Don't be too harsh on these late posters. Some of us will not upgrade until most of the major bugs have been corrected. I am still using SM 2.0.14 because of the reported problems with 2.2, and my own experience in upgrading from Mozilla 1.8 to SM 2.0.

These late postings with real live problems should be considered for the next update release and corrected before the release.

Michael G

PS Forget about Bugzilla, it is a terrible database tracker.

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