Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:
On 7/16/2011 10:05 PM, Graham wrote:
Once again, I thank the Mozilla and Seamonkey teams for all their
efforts: the web and all its browsers are much better for their efforts;
even IE has improved by leaps and bounds because of Firefox. I won't be
along for the ride, but I will keep an eye open, and may be back one day.

Thank you for your constructive comments.

While many of us (SeaMonkey Council) share your concerns with the Rapid
Release Cycle, the brunt of the matter is that us, as a Mozilla Platform
Consumer, are tied to the platform schedule -- unless we want to expose
you, our users, to security issues. If the situation on that level
changes, we can -- and will -- revisit our release schedule plans.

While I do not feel that chrome is a better choice for you as a user, I
do not condemn your choice to leave us for the time being, I just hope,
one day, you will be back :-)

While I won't be defecting to chrome (I have it but don't like it) I will be sticking with 2.0.x series until it takes choking Breath. I tried 2.2 and not only did it kill most of my extensions I had problems viewing emails with images. I went to check the number of Help applications and had four listings seems it Killed QuickTime 7 Plugin, and Flip4Mac and many other Plugins including Pdf Browser Plugin and all the Flash, Director and other plugins. Just plain dead in the water. I couldn't even use it to get in my own website.

Its one thing to break extension bad enough. But when you start messing with Plugins and make viewing of websites unusable That's the last straw.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.        "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
http://www.phillipmjones.net        mailto:pjon...@kimbanet.com
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