Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

Daniel wrote:

 > So having discovered that you had a problem posting direct to the
newsgroup (why you and no-one else, ever??), you deliberately decided to
annoy us individually as well!!

No, I have no problem posting direct to the mailing list
(see two immediately preceding messages for why I am
consistently replacing your reference to a newsgroup
with my own to a mailing list).

 > As you typed, if you didn't remove the .nospam from my address, you
would receive a bounce, rather than bugging me, Paul,........!!

Yes, I did receive a bounce; several, in fact. So, realising
that my messages were not getting through to the original sender,
because he/she had obfuscated his/her address, I did the gentlemanly
thing and manually removed the obfuscation, so that he/she would
receive my intended reply.

My intentions were good; it is a matter of regret that my actions
resulted in annoyance, which was never intended.

Alright, already, we'll be getting a visit from the SPCA soon! (for beating a dead horse)

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
support-seamonkey mailing list

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