Daniel wrote:
Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

S. Beaulieu wrote:

if you simply deleted his address from the reply field (rather than
editing it to deobfuscate it), it would be less work for you and nicer
to him (or anyone else).

Already incorporated into my "standard working practice" for
this list. It takes a chap a little while to get up to speed,
don't you know ? :-)

Hey, Philip, is there a particular reason why you use the mail list?? Is
it just that you were unaware that you could get all these posts any
other way??

If it's just because you don't know how, ask....there are any number of
people here that could advise you how to get to the newsgroup directly.
Then you could pick and choose which posts you read, rather than getting
each and every one delivered to your mail box.

Just out of ornery curiosity, why is it so many folks who regularly (and preferentially?) attend the newsgroup version of this list get so bent out of shape over those of us who, for whatever reason, prefer and use the mail method of message delivery for the very same list? I just read that there is some sort of reciprocity between the mail and newsgroups anyhow, so that posting to one gets to the other ANYhow, so...what's the big deal?


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