On 11/06/2011 01:28 AM, Tom Stoudt wrote:
> On Sat 05 Nov 2011 07:19:28pm EDT, /David E. Ross/ said in
> mozilla.support.seamonkey: 
>> On 11/5/11 2:18 PM, Joe32065 wrote:
>>> In the past few versions of SeaMonkey going to
>>> Bookmarks/File Bookmark has a most annoying "improvement".
>>>  Instead of seeing all my folders and choosing where to
>>> file the new bookmark, I now only see 5 folders and have
>>> to click on Choose to see the rest.  How is this supposed
>>> to be helpful?  Is there a way to change it back, so it
>>> will work like on older versions?   Thanks
>> On the SeaMonkey menu bar, select [Bookmarks > Manage
>> Bookmarks] or else (on Windows) use Ctrl-B.  Another
>> alternative is to install the PrefBar extension and then
>> import the Bookmarks Manager button from 
>> <http://prefbar.tuxfamily.org/buttons.html#mgbookmarks>,
>> which is what I do.
> Prefbar doesn't work with Seamonkey 2.5(b).

Really? Could have fooled me:
Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:8.0) Gecko/20111012
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