On 8/21/14 5:01 PM, Patrick Turner wrote:
On Monday, 18 August 2014 19:02:08 UTC+10, Patrick Turner  wrote:
I did post recently about how to set text size in SM so other browsers like Chrome 
"got it right". By trial and error I managed to fiddle with sizes so this 
occurs. Thanks to those who commented, and suggested I used other WYSIWYG composer 
programs. None worked properly, and had bigger bothers than SM. Thanks anyway.Even Front 
Page is more awkward to use than SM. AL I WANT IS SIMPLE PLEASE.

Originally, I asked for a simple fix because of suspected SM problems. I 
suspected my monitor and card had a problem, but I think Ive ruled this out 

I cannot get my SM version 2.26 to work very well.

So, I learnt more how to use Front Page and then figured I didn't need that 
because I could simply type up a page in Microsoft Word, and save the page as a 
web page just as I always have. I can more easily adjust sizes of images AND 
text so that when viewed in Firefox it looks OK using zoom at 100%. In Chrome 
text and pics look small but adjusting zoom to +110% makes it look right, about 
same as Firefox. Its a vast improvement on SeaMonkey.

Much that Front Page offers is explained in a 46 page how-to-do about websites 
which it is presumed that the webmaster wants to generate income from a 
website. I know that no matter how good a website is about tube based audio, 
there's no money to be made unless you sell amps cheaper than made in China.

OK, I just want a website to contain a vast amount of info on how to use vacuum 
tubes. Its an intellectual persuit, not commercial. So, turns out MS word is 

There's only one thing I cannot find how-to-do in MS word and that change the 
page background colour from glary WHITE to a parchment shade.

Thanks for all your input. I am not a man to stop trying to teach myself stuff 
while waiting for simply understood doable help. I might wait ages.

Someone emailed me to say I couldn't ever get different browsers to display my 
pages identically unless I had far more knowledge about html coding. Yeah sure, 
I'm one of the dumbest dumbos who's ever lived. But since 2001, my webpages 
have looked virtually identical in Netscape, SeaMonkey, Firefox and Chrome. 
Difficulties have only been with recent SeaMonkey. The whole idea of WYSIWYG is 
to allow SIMPLE minded ppl like myself to make a SIMPLE website containing far 
more useful info about tube amps than the many slick commercial websites which 
seem to me to leave out all useful info and all they want is your money after 
conning you with good looking web graphics.

Keep well, and if that's impossible, try at least to stay sane,
Patrick Turner.

While fonts and the like will always be somewhat different from browser to browser, plain ol' HTML code displays images _identically_ in all browsers. I repeat (for the 3rd time at least): If you're having issues with browsers displaying images at different sizes, it's a byproduct of your browser settings, _not_ of your Composer/Front Page/Dreamweaver, etc. settings.

Somehow, however, I suspect this will fail to compute.

Your site images all look the same in SeaMonkey, Safari and Firefox. All of them. On every page I dared to open. Not a single, solitary image looked even remotely different in any of the three browsers. NOT A SINGLE ONE.

This is not an HTML, CSS, Composer or other design issue. It simply isn't. The problem you keep describing is not the problem you're experiencing. Honest.

Your browser DISPLAY settings are the problem. My last comment on the matter.
// Trane Francks   tr...@tranefrancks.com   Tokyo, Japan
// Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.
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