NFN Smith pounded out :
Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
Daniel wrote:

Does anyone know how well MS Word might compose an HTML file, or, to put
it another way, how clean is a HTML file written in MS Word??

Back in the day, MS Word was always listed as a terrible web page
generator, coming in behind only MS Publisher and MS Excel for the honors
of "worst possible tool." I doubt it has improved. All those MS products
fill the HTML with bloated proprietary junk so they can "restore" the
document to their native format.

In other words, use something else.

Still is.

One of the effects of this is that if you copy content from something
produced in Word, and paste into anything else that supports HTML
content, then you get all the useless Microsoft HTML code (including
unused style and font definitions) in the target document.

This is especially noticeable if somebody copies content from a Word
document into an email message that has HTML formatting enabled.  I've
seen one paragraph messages that are nearly 20K.

Microsoft's intent is that you can use Word as web content editor,
publish to the web, and then be able to copy from the web and edit again
in Word with no loss of fidelity or content.  It's one of the things
that works reasonably well in a Microsoft-centric corporate environment
(including Microsoft servers and users using Internet Explorer -- e.g.,
a corporate Intranet), but is considerably less effective for the
general public, especially when a lot of the tools used don't have a
Microsoft logo in the startup splash screen.


Just for yucks I took the index.php page from one of my sites which is 4.5Kb, opened it in Word, made one line bold, saved it. It is now 22.5Kb. The original file has 81 lines. The new one is 653 lines!

Ed Mullen
Ever wonder what the speed of lightning would be if it didn't zigzag?
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