Patrick Turner wrote:

> The whole idea of WYSIWYG is to allow SIMPLE
> minded ppl like myself to make a SIMPLE website

The whole idea of WYSIWYG is to save you having to think.  Fine, if that
is what you want, then go with it.  For myself, if there is no
intellectual value in an exercise, then it is pointless.  Each to his own.

Philip Taylor

If I had the time to become an expert at typing up html BY HAND, ie, write te 
text, then add all the stuff you don't see behind the text, then I'd agree 
there would be some value. But just what Intellectual Value? I don't see this 
being the case because the intellectual value is in the text, about the subject 
you wish to involve your mind, and applying html coding is mere donkey work 
which has been successfully computerized since the Internet began, so much so 
that I do not have to apply html to all my emails and since 2001 when I bought 
a PV and learnt to type, not one email was Pharqued Up by some mistake in html.
Of all the wonders, automatic html ranks amoung the greats. 

It is because I never stop thinking about 1,001 things with so many questions I 
ask of my mind that I don't have time to be a html donkey. 

I found out yesterday that if I type up a webpage in MS Word, I can save it as 
a web page and that seems to so a better job than SeaMonkey, although MS 
Nerdarians have made it difficult to suit bloaks like me who LIKE SIMPLE STUFF 
and who merely want a website page to be like a page in a well produced text 
book of 1960, often written by much finer minds than your OR mine.
Im into INFORMATION, and I don't need web stuff sexed up, acting on minds of 
others like a con artiste, treating real info with disdain, and so on, which 
seems to be what Front page is all about - MONEY. Phark money, I have plenty, 
I'm getting old, and I want to share my interest in electronics even though so 
many would condemn for being primitive, regressive, idiotic, 
technologically-incorrect, etc, like someone who'd like life to go back to 
1950s with steam trains, AM radio, no internet, etc, etc, etc, etc.

The use of MS Word allows me to change size of images as inserted into page 
being composed. The text size can also be changed so that the combination of 
text size and image size is a delight to read without scrolling horizontally. 
Of course I like my pages to have text extending only 1/2 way across a screen 
before starting a new line and I've never been able to work out line wrapping 
to suit ME. If I do get auto line wrapping, when I reduce the window size the 
text lines become way too short, so I manually line wrap, and when making 
window 1/2 size the text lines stay same length. Nothing worse than text going 
all the way across a 41cm screen. 
If ppl save my images, they are mostly all made to fill and A4 page if printed 
without having to change image size and ruin clarity of image.

Computers are supposed to all this basic stuff to suit US. 

If I set text size at 13 for Arial in SeaMonkey composer, it is about right for 
Firefox and Chrome. But SM and FF both display images too large relative to 
text size on MY PC, and so far nobody is able to really say why. But I don't 
roll up into a little ball of depressed misery, I try to figure out a solution 

Patrick Turner.

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