It seems like many say here that MS Word and Front Page are poor html coders, 
and that the coded page has huge size compared to say SeaMonkey.
I just looked at 'properties' of 6 of my webpages I have listed in my local folder, and 5 were between 32kB and 64kB, all done in 
SeaMonkey. ONE was created with MS Word, maybe 5 years old on my XP PC, and its 
100kB, so its got more stuff which must be html because the text isn't much 
different in quantity to other pages. So, it seems to me the MS Word is NOT 
bloating up the content to a huge amount. If I did use Front Page, maybe it 
would be the case, but after reading 10 pages of 46 listed on how to use Front 
Page I saw SFA about disadvantages and nothing about comparisons to other 
composers. I saw a lot about how to make a website which makes money, but I 
don't want that, and I don't want the Front Page "themes" or styles and piles 
of other junk which is all nice and pretty to some, but ugly to me, and all 
done to con ppl into paying for something rather than teaching a craft.

My pages have many schematics which are mostly .gif, monochrome, ie, just plain 
black and white, No Frills, Bells, Whistles. ( NFBW ) The size of images is 
additional to what I say above because they are kept in separate folders. 
Total website is 58.3MB, 965 Files, 105 Folders.
Don't ask me what average file or average folder size is. I'm a PC dummy right?

Somebody once said 10 years ago my website would be Hugh Mungouslee Huge if it 
was in FP. Someone else even prepared a FP version and gave me a copy on CD and 
I had to be polite because I hated everything I saw, and then my site was only 
20MB in Netscape. I didn't even bother to find how big it was. 

Patrick Turner. 

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