David E. Ross wrote:
On 1/31/2016 10:46 AM, Larry S. wrote:
Ed Mullen wrote:
Larry S. wrote on 1/31/2016 12:33 PM:
When my wife set up SM in her new W10 computer, there was a bit of
confusion about profiles. Eventually she got the one she wanted, and
deleted the others (in Profile Manager). Now when she clicks on the SM
logo it wants to open one of the profiles she deleted, resulting in File
Not Found because that profile no longer exists.

It's probably because the shortcut she's using is hard-coded to open
that profile.  Right-click the shortcut and choose Properties.  On the
Shortcut tab look in the Start in: box.  The path there likely ends with
-P oldprofilename.  If she only has one profile left just delete that
text and it will open the only profile there is.  If more than one
profile exists you need to change that text to the desired one.  You
only need the part of the profile name AFTER the dot.

Good suggestion! We'll try it. Just to clarify--we type in the name of
the correct profile, that's the name after the dot following the random
name?  Since there is no -p there now, should we put it in? What's the
proper format--a space, then -p, then another space, then the name? Or
just a space, then the name?

Larry S.

Use the profile name as shown by Profile Manager.  In the Windows
shortcut, the Target should end with
        \seamonkey.exe -p name

Darn--didn't work! Could be our mistake. We left in the quote marks around the entry in the shortcut. Should they be eliminated? Will that foul up Target? The message we got said that administrator privileges required, which my wife does have. We proceeded as suggested, and got the "file not found" from the wrong profile (same as before). Argghh!

Your thoughts?

Larry S.
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