On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 4:32 AM, Olivier Mueller
> It worked about 5 days without problems, then it started again:

Try what I suggested previously:

Open up /etc/inc/interfaces.inc in Diagnostics -> Edit, and go down to under:

       set bundle disable multilink
       set bundle authname "{$pppoecfg['username']}"
       set bundle password "{$pppoecfg['password']}"

which is line 1242, and add the following line beneath that:

set bundle no noretry

Then save the file and reboot. Let us know if that makes any difference.

> Maybe are the devices not "strong enough" of a small office
> LAN with about 15 people?    (pfSense is on an Alix Board box)

That's far more power than you need, unless you need to push 100+ Mb.
This isn't indicative of overloaded hardware, I think the above will
fix your problem.

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