
On Sat, 2008-05-17 at 23:14 -0400, Chris Buechler wrote:
> Try what I suggested previously:
> Open up /etc/inc/interfaces.inc in Diagnostics -> Edit, and go down to under:
>        set bundle disable multilink
>        set bundle authname "{$pppoecfg['username']}"
>        set bundle password "{$pppoecfg['password']}"

> which is line 1242, and add the following line beneath that:
> set bundle no noretry

yes, I did that then, and now it's "stable" again since about 3 days
(but this happened also before). Let's see if remains like that a bit
longer :)

Last PPPoE related messages in the logs were:
May 15 10:15:59 gateway mpd: [pppoe] PPPoE connection successful
May 15 10:52:12 gateway mpd: [pppoe] PPPoE connection successful

Thanks & regards,

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