On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Olivier Mueller
> Hello...
>  Since the situation has not improved, I'm re-posting this :-(
>  If you have any idea what I could/should try, it would be very nice...
>  At the moment I have about 3-4 disconnects per day, and according to the
>  ISP everything is fine (line, etc.)

Open up /etc/inc/interfaces.inc in Diagnostics -> Edit, and go down to under:

        set bundle disable multilink
        set bundle authname "{$pppoecfg['username']}"
        set bundle password "{$pppoecfg['password']}"

which is line 1242, and add the following line beneath that:

set bundle no noretry

Then save the file and reboot. Let us know if that makes any difference.

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