Hello again,

On Sun, 2008-05-18 at 11:26 +0200, Olivier Mueller wrote:
> On Sat, 2008-05-17 at 23:14 -0400, Chris Buechler wrote:
> > Try what I suggested previously:
> > 
> > Open up /etc/inc/interfaces.inc in Diagnostics -> Edit, and go down to 
> > under:
> > 
> >        set bundle disable multilink
> >        set bundle authname "{$pppoecfg['username']}"
> >        set bundle password "{$pppoecfg['password']}"
> > which is line 1242, and add the following line beneath that:
> > set bundle no noretry
> yes, I did that then, and now it's "stable" again since about 3 days
> (but this happened also before). Let's see if remains like that a bit
> longer :)
> Last PPPoE related messages in the logs were:
> May 15 10:15:59 gateway mpd: [pppoe] PPPoE connection successful
> May 15 10:52:12 gateway mpd: [pppoe] PPPoE connection successful

About a month later after applying the "patch": it is still up and
running! :-)

pf:~#  uptime
 4:53PM  up 26 days,  6:02, 2 users, load averages: 0.20, 0.11, 0.03

And nothing anymore in the logs. Do you thing the  "set bundle no
noretry" helped here, or is it just luck?   If you'd like to me
parse some logs, feel free to ask...


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