I remember reading that, with exposure, human's audio-processing "hardware" can 
adapt to/learn how to use a non-optimal HRTF, given a bit of time.
Does anyone have a reference for this?

On 15/12/2013, at 5:57 PM, Marc Lavallée wrote:

> Hi Dave.
> I never tried head tracking while listening to stereo or Ambisonics (I'm
> not that much of an "insider"). I'm optimistic about it, even with
> virtual microphones; but I suspect that the contribution of head
> tracking would then be limited to the interpretation of level
> differences and transitions between the left and right.
> What I miss is a realistic HRTF rendering experience (without head
> tracking). For every HRTF I tried (from the KEMAR and LISTEN sets), as
> with stereo, front sources were always "in the head", not at the front;
> the front test tone was just louder then the rear one.
> I don't know what are the right conditions to experience good HRTF based
> localization (in a acousmatic context, without visual cues). I don't
> know if using a personal (measured) HRTF would be better; I just assume
> that it would be better because my own binaural recordings sound quite
> right, but probably just for me (to be verified)  because I experienced
> the real sound scenes while recording them.
> --
> Marc
> Sun, 15 Dec 2013 13:50:09 +0000,
> Dave Malham <dave.mal...@york.ac.uk> a écrit :
>> Hi Marc,
>> I think it is, perhaps, a little pessimistic to talk of needing to
>> assess dozens of hrtf's to find the one that's right for for you, if
>> you have head tracking in use. My experience with this dates back 20
>> years to the days of the Lake DSP Huron systems when I first heard
>> this - even without specific hrtfs switching the the head tracking on
>> was enough to change the system from not working (for me) to working.
>> The head tracking (done with a Polyhemus sensor controlling the
>> processing of FOA B format signals prior to decoding) was enough with
>> no need to select hrtf's. I would suspect that having just a few to
>> select from would be enough.
>>    Dave
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Prof. Dr. David Worrall
Emerging Audio Research (EAR)
Audio Department
International Audio Laboratories Erlangen
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Senior Adjunct Research Fellow,
Australian National University.

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