Hi Ron,
            Yeah I will stop if all you Americans promise to consume not
more than the 5% you are entitled to. No seriously Ron I am sorry if you
think what I am saying is personal and I am attacking all you Americans. It
is not you Americans I am opposed to but your consumption of energy and lack
of what seems a coherent policy for the future. At a time when America and
the rest of the world is crying out for a leader with vision and solutions
to the coming energy crisis if we continue down the same path America seems
to have taken a retrograde step with reference to energy. I cant see
anything inspiring in the new Energy Policy that has just been released. As
I was saying the other day one of the things that existed under the Kennedy
era was a certain dynamic approach to solving problems that seems to be
missing in the Bush administration and other current crop of world leaders.
(And before you accuse me of being a Democrat I am not, nor Republican
either). The only thing fundamentally wrong with democracy and politics is
politicians. Most of them from my observations tend to be tarred with the
same brush).  I think part of this came about because America under Kennedy
made up its mind right or wrong it was going to the Moon and getting
involved in other aspects of the Space Policy and went ahead and did them.
As a result it was rather a challenging age. Rather than looking for and
pumping more oil which is only going to bring the crisis nearer, and sitting
on their hands the time to get up and run with new policies and incentives
is right now. In the end there may be no crisis; time has a way of
presenting solutions; but sure as the Sun is going to come up tomorrow
(unless you live in Antartica at present) if you sit on your hands that
crisis is going to arise. In the end I expect a lot of those solutions  will
come from the States. While I may not like your current energy policies I
would be the first to admit that America has invested very heavy in its
Universities and it is these that are more likely to provide solutions than
anything else. The quickest way to do this is to offer Research
Scholarships, something that is done already but something that should be
greatly accelerated. You dont win a war by throwing in a few more men at the
front but throwing in a large complete battalion quite often makes a
By the way I am not anti American and I'm also of Scots descent (one of my
great ancestors set up Edinburgh University) so as one sheep shaggers
descendent to another dont take me too personally. Its also not the 50
million 4 legged sheep I worry about, but the other 4 million  (I share this
country with), and the other 6 billion (I share this planet with), two
legged sheep.
The world seems to be full of sheep and pigs. Why the sheep have to be ruled
by the pigs I dont know.
Bah, I mean bye.
B.r.,  David

----- Original Message -----
From: ronald miller sr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <biofuel@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Climate Change Debate at the Oxford Union

> Hey, come on now, please stop the American bashing. We are all in this
> together although I would say we (Americans) should be leading the world
> alternate fuel development. It's really hard for us little guys to fight
> big oil companies and the government. The govenment did send me an
> application form for an alternate fuel plant(still)and it was only one
> As a Scottish American the only suggestion I could give on the sheep
> situation is to plug them with a catylitic converter> (Just kidding) I
> really appreciate hearing views from other countries and I know a lot of
> people don't like us "yanks" but for the most part we are like any other
> bloaks around the world.
> Best regards,
> Ron Miller
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: David Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <biofuel@yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 6:24 PM
> Subject: Re: [biofuel] Climate Change Debate at the Oxford Union
> > Chuck,
> >            You are not an American by any chance are you?  As a member
> a
> > country with less than 5% of the worlds population (280 million divided
> into
> > 6 billion = 4.67% by my reckoning) using 60% of the worlds energy maybe
> you
> > should be listened to and your viewpoint as the biggest energy user have
> > dominance. Maybe you are right and its a con job but without people
> argueing
> > and discussing it no resolution or solutions is/are  ever going to
> > and resolve the problem if it exists. Personally I think its man using
> > these vehicles and man cutting down all the trees in the world. Or maybe
> its
> > all these farting sheep down here in NZ. After all there is a big hole
> down
> > here in the ozone layer near Antartica and if NZ is the closest to it
> there
> > has to be a reason for it so maybe this sheep idea is not so stupid.
> Anyway
> > as one of the people who live here and who is obviously one of the main
> > contributors who am I to throw stones?
> > B.r.,  David
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Chuck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: <biofuel@yahoogroups.com>
> > Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 7:44 AM
> > Subject: Re: [biofuel] Climate Change Debate at the Oxford Union
> >
> >
> > > This climate change propaganda is a con job. Stop the crap.

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