Dana Linscott wrote:

> <snip>

> Since all "state citizen(s)" are located within the
> boundaries of the "United States" they are under the
> jurisdiction of the Federal AND State governments and
> associated agencies (like the EPA). Arguing that the
> Federal Govt. does not have authority over its
> citizens is a loser. The Feds. have a defacto
> authority.
> via the Golden Rule e.g.. "He with the gold rules".
> or,
> If you cannot afford to outspend them in court you are
> definitely subject to their rules.
> I have often wished it were not so...but it is.
> This does not mean that individuals have no
> power...just that they must play by the those rules or
> suffer the consequences if caught playing by their own
> rules.
> Hope this helps.
> Dana

I have been researching this subject for years. What got me started was a
friend of mine legally no longer pays US Federal Income Taxes. He didn't
spend a second in court or jail. It's been nearly 8 years and they won't
touch him. His name is Mark Brown, a real estate agent in Ketchum, Idaho.
There are a lot of "Mark Browns" in the US, but you won't read about them in
the paper. We only hear about people who simply stop paying taxes, make
frivolous "patriotic" arguments in Federal Court, then go to prison anyway.

When Mark went to the local Social Security office to delete his account,
according to him, "I would have attracted less attention if I had walked in
naked." They told him he couldn't do it, so he had to show them their own
rules which said he could.

Mark cannot have an FDIC insured bank account. By having one you essentially
sign yourself and your money up for Federal jurisdiction. I met him in the
grocery store the other day. He was paying for his groceries with a wad of

There are two types of citizens in the United States of America. The
American Citizen (big "C") is one who is a citizen of his State, with
American Citizenship derived from that. The other type is the United States
citizen (small "c") who is a "resident" of the state he lives in. This type
of citizen was created by the 14th Amendment to our Constitution. His/her
citizenship is within Washington, DC, essentially a military reservation.
United States citizens are required to pay Federal Income Tax, American
Citizens are not. The slaves were not freed after the Civil War, rather,
their ownership was transferred to the Federal Government. The 14th made it
possible for everyone to be owned by the government. There is not supposed
to be Federal "jurisdiction" over American Citizens unless a Federal crime
is committed.

America was supposed to consist of a population of "sovereigns" without
"subjects." This situation was changed at the end of our Civil War. Now,
most of us are slaves to the government. We work each year as slaves until
April or May to pay all of our taxes. We get things like September 11th in
return. Wars are great tools for governments (and the Big Banks that own
them) to gain more control over populations.

When you sign up for Social Security (a Ponzi scheme), the government does
not tell you that you are losing your American Citizenship. They don't tell
you it is optional. There is no law that says the government is supposed to
be honest. The People are supposed to keep it honest and we do a lousy job.

It is possible to stop paying federal taxes, but you must first assert your
status as an American Citizen. The first step is to delete your Social
Security account. The only catch is that you cannot do this if you have ever
received any Federal money, i.e.: Social Security, Medicare, etc. (Ashwander
v. Tennessee Valley Authority)

Federal Income tax  only pays the interest on the "National" debt - what the
government owes to the "Federal" Reserve central bank. We pay interest on
money that is created out of thin air. It has no "value." Interstate
Commerce taxes pay for the actual cost of the Federal Government.

I am still a "United States citizen" because I think I might need Social
Security "benefits" some day. If I ever "strike it rich" I'll know what to
do, however.

I am going to stop now, as it is hard to fit 8 years of research into a
small post. This may be considered by some to be "off topic," but I think is
important to know what kind of Federal Government we have here in the good
ol' US of A.

References: "Vultures in Eagles' Clothing" by Lynn Meredith --- "How To Get
the IRS Out of Your Life Once and For All" compiled by the Status
Foundation, Revelations Publishing.

Arne ....

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