They can have great benefit but are most definitely a two edged sword! With
many doctors prescribing them for every little thing the damage they are
causing is very real.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hakan Falk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2004 4:45 AM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] [biofuels] Re: US poll about Iraq war

> Luc,
> Strong words and BS. It is a proven effect of antibiotics, that the
> life
> of humans nearly doubled. I am myself a survivor, only thanks to the new
> ulcer medicines. Ulcer have in the past been a substantial killer, even if
> is not so much talked about it.
> You can promote and blame what ever you want. It is much that can be
> improved on the health side. You are not wrong to do so. It is however not
> contradiction to medicines that more than doubled the average human life
> span (in combination with the potato).
> Hakan
> At 04:03 16/05/2004, you wrote:
> >Oh crap ! Here I go again. Health is a matter of what one does to
> >one's body in the same way that a computer data base can only
> >provide what is put in it.
> >That said, we must go to the origins of anything in order to see
> >what the subsequent elements have brought. Modern medicine (my
> >father was a doctor, although I support alternative medicine)is
> >based upon pharmacology, and this pharmacology is based upon
> >altering the chemical balance found within the body's functions in
> >order to aim at a perceived or desired effect, not always very
> >succsessfully, and often deals not with the source root of the
> >problem but rat5her with the symptoms never ever getting to the
> >root. But WHERE did the expansion of modern pharmaceuticals come
> >from ? For that we find ourselves at about the same junction as when
> >Standard Oil was ordered to disband by the courts in an anti-trust
> >hearing labeled at our "friend" Rockefeller. Not only did this
> >Rockefeller disband his empire of Standard Oil into Exxon, Texaco,
> >Mobil, Unocal ect... while remaining a controling interest at the
> >head of each but he also instituted the pharmaceutical industry into
> >what it has become today. Both of these conglomerate interests do
> >NOT have your health and well-being at heart. The goal is profit,
> >not helping anybody but themselves.
> >Modern medicine has made more people sick than it has ever "cured"
> >of anything, and that is the point. Not to kill you, but to see to
> >it that you are profitable. Hense junk/processed foods that polute
> >you, GMO crops that monopolise the world's food source and alter the
> >basic gene structure while destroying indigenous species, chemicals
> >that UNbalance your body's natural ability to fight for itself. All
> >this is very "profitable" to those who control them, and the roads
> >all lead back to "Rome" so-to-speak.
> >For more on the Rockefeller dynasty and the break up of Standard Oil
> >ect... check out "The Rockefeller File" found here:
> >Good health is directly related to good,clean,natural food and
> >natural means, this strengthens the immune system and thereby also
> >strengthens the lymphatic system which is charged with the
> >elimination of toxins and dead cells. When the immune and lymphatic
> >systems are strong pathogens cannot enter and cause damage because
> >they are met at teh door by an army of killer cells whose job it is
> >to defend you against them. When the immune and lymphatic systems
> >have been weakened by polluted and un-natural foods then when the
> >pathogesn appear they are free to enter the body and find a place to
> >nest, and once the pthogen has done that it is very opportunistic
> >and will multiply until stopped or until it kills you, whichever
> >comes first.
> >By filling your body with polluted and substandard food you are
> >being "profitable" to those who control them. When you unbalance
> >your body's functions with chemical "enhancers" you open the door
> >for pathogens to enter and find a home because you have weakened
> >your immune functions. Once a cancerous cell has been allowed to
> >settle in it multiplies and it is often then too late to stop it and
> >no amount of chemotherapy or radiation treatment has been
> >conclusively proven to alter the end result, being your death.
> >Antibiotics are the greatest killers of the immune and lymphatic
> >functions as they are indiscriminate in what they attack and
> >destroy. They destroy not only the harmful bacteria, but also the
> >bacteria that has a beneficial action on your body and thereby
> >weakens it and the cycle regenerates. I have a study on the effects
> >of antibiotic poisoning on my site completely access free;
> >So, to say
> >that modern medicine has been beneficial to the social structure of
> >any culture is erroneous and false. True medicine is a benefit and a
> >boon as it treats the whole body and not only "profitable" symptoms.
> >
> >My two and a half cents worth.
> >
> >Luc
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >--- In, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Good grief Ryan!
> > >
> > > "Merely" saying? LOL!
> > >
> > > >Hey Todd et al, let's not make this personal, did you perhaps not
> >see my
> > > >":)?".  I was merely saying that we have all benefited in the
> >long run from
> > > >the genocide that happened in North America in the past.  One
> >cannot judge
> > > >history by modern standards, that's History 101!
> > >
> > > But that's what you're doing.
> > >
> > > >America is single-handedly
> > > >the most innovative populace the world has ever known period.
> > >
> > > Is that how you measure progress? Read on, and it is how you
> >measure
> > > progress - your idea of progress has a capital P and is preceded
> >by a
> > > silent T, for "Technological". It went out the door in the
> >sixties,
> > > Ryan. Forty years ago the Modernist Project was deemed to have
> > > failed, now it's known as the Myth of Modernism. What followed, or
> > > tried to, was Post-Modernism, still only defined by what preceded
> >it
> > > because true progress, human progress, the real story of history,
> >got
> > > sidetracked (once again) by the current Neo-Liberal era, if that's
> > > what it is, which "merely" compounds the failures of Modernism,
> > > especially its more lethal aspects. If you don't know all this
> >then
> > > you're living in a sort of suburban dream out of a 1955 Reader's
> > > Digest.
> > >
> > > >Look around
> > > >you, the technology our democracy and free markets have produced
> >and
> > > >continue to produce have saved countless more lives, and provided
> >for even
> > > >more than were lost in the settling of this land.  We are all
> >benefiting
> > > >from this, our life expectancy is much higher than even two
> >generations ago,
> > > >and our quality of life is unimaginable to those in the past.  Do
> >you like
> > > >your medicine?
> > >
> > > That gave me a real belly-laugh! Reminded of another belly-laugh I
> > > had when a doctor got furious with me and yelled "Of course we're
> > > more healhy now! We have six times as many hospital beds!" I
> >really
> > > hope you didn't have to think about that one.
> > >
> > > "... our life expectancy is much higher than even two generations
> > > ago..." and there lies the flaw. Go back to *before*
> > > industrialisation and you find an altogether different picture.
> >The
> > > picture you're seeing is a prime case of your History 101, judging
> > > history by modern standards. Please see:
> > >
> >
> > >
> > > Note the "please" - I hope you do read it this time, you didn't
> >last
> > > time, nor the time before that.
> > >
> > > Anyway, do you think being healthy is a matter of taking medicine?
> > > Are you quite sure modern medicines are better? We certainly have
> > > better diseases these days, I'll give you that, both us and the
> > > biosphere we're supposed to be a part of, something of a severe
> >but
> > > under-reported casualty of your brand of "Progress".
> > >
> > > >Your efficient, convenient way of life?  Your entertainment,
> > > >refrigerator, how about your computer, it's software and the
> >Internet?  Have
> > > >you ever used a phone, or turned on a light, or read a newspaper,
> >or
> > > >wondered about the mysteries of Space?  This country has
> >developed more
> > > >technology than any other past or present, that we are all
> >benefiting from.
> > > >
> > > >Furthermore, who does the world look to for justice in the
> >world?  Were it
> > > >not the Americans who emerged victorious in WWI and WWII saving
> >the world
> > > >from tyranny and genocide?  Did anyone else contribute more to
> >the plight of
> > > >the South Koreans, the Vietnamese, the Kuwaitis and Saudis, or to
> >the people
> > > >of Yugoslavia?  Who stopped the communists from taking over the
> >world?  Has
> > > >anyone else offered to bail out countless corrupt government
> >after corrupt
> > > >government, saving people from poverty, without even asking to be
> >re-paid?
> > > >Do I condone genocide?  Of course not.  But we, in this day and
> >age, have
> > > >all benefited from it.  That is all I am saying.
> > >
> > > You certainly condone jingoism.
> > >
> > > Look at what Al Sharpton said about trade - never mind which party
> >he
> > > represents or whatever, just look at it:
> > >
> > > >Rev. Sharpton also opposes NAFTA and the World Trade
> >Organization.
> > > >"I disagreed with NAFTA when Clinton was in, and I think that we
> > > >have come to see that that disagreement was correct," said
> >Sharpton,
> > > >following up on Kucinich's broadside. "I think that we cannot
> >have
> > > >trade policy that overlooks labor, overlooks workers' rights,
> > > >overlooks environmental concerns. We can't act like just because
> > > >something is trade, that also that makes it right. African-
> >Americans
> > > >are here on a bad trade policy."
> > > >
> > > >Now that's breaking it down in civilized language. The slave
> >trade
> > > >was fantastically lucrative, a centuries-long commerce that
> >shaped
> > > >every society in the Americas south of Canada and allowed Europe
> >to
> > > >assume its unnatural position of dominance in the world. "I'm
> >here
> > > >on a bad trade policy," said Rev. Al. "So just because it's
> >trade,
> > > >doesn't mean that it is good and it is something that we should
> > > >support."
> > >
> > > By your reasoning, shouldn't he rather by counting the benefits
> >the
> > > slave trade brought him as a privileged American instead of the
> > > probably impoverished "backward" African he'd have been but for
> > > slavery?
> > >
> > > You should read the rest of that article, it sort of follows on
> >from
> > > what I was saying above about the Reader's Digest 1955:
> > >
> >
> > >
> > > >As for my comments on the need to reduce incentive for stability
> >in the
> > > >Middle East, I apologize for painting anyone on this list (who
> >did not want
> > > >to be painted) as working toward reducing dependency on foreign
> >oil,
> > > >specifically oil from the Middle East.  What I meant to say, is
> >that I am
> > > >working to reduce our dependency on foreign oil so that we as a
> >nation have
> > > >less of a reason (incentive) to meddle in the affairs of the
> >Middle East.
> > > >As far as I can tell (and I have never been there) the region is
> >fraught
> > > >with religious strife, brutality, ignorance, and hatred.
> > >
> > > That's what they say about the US (and they're not the only ones).
> > > Their case gathers much strength from the fact that so much of the
> > > religious strife, brutality, ignorance, and hatred in their region
> > > stems directly from US interference.
> > >
> > > >In short, most of
> > > >the countries there seem almost laughably behind the times given
> >their
> > > >resources, corrupt, and no place to be if you were born with
> >fallopian tubes
> > > >and a uterus.  Islamic law fosters fear, slows progress, and is
> >easily
> > > >abused by those in power.  We are fighting the evil, backward,
> >minority in
> > > >Iraq for many reasons, oil, hope, and liberation among them.
> > >
> > > It's because you (pl.) think that, in the face of massive and
> > > accumulating daily evidence to the contrary, that you're not only
> > > making every mistake in the book plus a bunch of new ones,
> >virtually
> > > all of which you were warned about before you went in there, but
> > > they're the very same mistakes you made 40 years ago in Vietnam.
> >Some
> > > people just never learn. Pity so many other people have to bear
> >the
> > > consequences of that. Saving the world from Communism, eh? What
> > > happened to all the dominoes that were supposed to fall over when
> > > Vietnam won? Oops, no dominoes. Ever think about that?
> > >
> > > >We have
> > > >attempted to provide them with hope for a brighter future, teach
> >them about
> > > >democracy and free trade, so that we may watch them prosper, and
> >no one can
> > > >seem to get past centuries old grudges and hatred toward one
> >another and us.
> > > >It got so bad, one man ordered the hijacking and crashing of our
> >own planes
> > > >(once again our inventions) into our own skyscrapers (dido)
> >because we had
> > > >established a base in "The Holy Land" to promote stability in the
> >region,
> > > >and he couldn't handle we "Infidels" on his turf.  Where were the
> >Muslims
> > > >after 9/11?  I sure didn't hear cries of outrage and condemnation
> >from their
> > > >community, did you?  In fact the silence, at least state-side, was
> > > >deafening.  We are "infidels," and every good Muslim must rid the
> >world of
> > > >infidels according to the Koran, am I right?  So I say, "Fine,
> >you want me
> > > >dead?  I'll fight you back by not buying your oil and watching
> >you figure
> > > >out the world doesn't work that way anymore and changing.
> > >
> > > Hopeless, it's hopeless. (Gnashing of teeth and rending of
> >raiment.)
> > >
> > > >I buy and promote biodiesel to give the people of the Middle East
> >incentive
> > > >to find another line of work and move forward.  As for the non-
> >American
> > > >majority on this list, stop and consider, for a moment where you
> >would be
> > > >without us.
> > >
> > > In a vast number of cases, happier, better off, better fed, still
> > > alive. William Blum is an American historian who likes facts:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower, by William
> >Blum
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War
> >II,
> > > by William Blum
> > >
> > > Everything he says there is well corroborated, but a great many
> > > Americans are simply unable to accept it, it's a reality that's
> >just
> > > too contrary to their cherished notions. So they go on cherishing
> >the
> > > notions. And people elsewhere go on dying on what their tax
> >dollars
> > > so blindly support while they froth on about freedom and democracy
> > > and all the same stuff you froth on about.
> > >
> > > I have to tell you something about discussion. If you want to
> >discuss
> > > something with people you have to listen to what they say, as they
> > > listen to what you say, and then everything moves forward. If you
> > > just ignore them you lose stature and soon nobody will take any
> > > notice of you - just a ranter, sitting in a hole with his mind
> >shut
> > > yelling at people.
> > >
> > > This post from you strongly indicates that you took little or no
> > > notice of the several responses you got. You did the same with
> >your
> > > post onJohn Stossel's book. You thanked me for debunking him, but
> >you
> > > didn't read the debunking, or you surely couldn't have said "Read
> >it
> > > anyway, you'll enjoy it."
> > >
> > > Did you read these refs in my previous response to you in this
> >thread?
> > >
> > > >>Enough of this 2000 year code of Islamic law already, the world
> >awards
> > > >>progress...they'll figure it out.
> > > >
> > > >They did, you didn't. Maybe if the American public had done the
> > > >right thing the US would have had something vaguely resembling a
> > > >foreign policy over the last 50 years or so instead of sowing a
> > > >trail of dragon's teeth in the Middle East and elsewhere in order
> >to
> > > >prop up Big Oil no matter how, a trail leading straight to 9/11
> >and
> > > >beyond.
> > > >
> > >
> > roup/BIOFUEL/32425/
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > If you had then how can you still say this?
> > >
> > > >It got so bad, one man ordered the hijacking and crashing of our
> >own planes
> > > >(once again our inventions) into our own skyscrapers (dido)
> >because we had
> > > >established a base in "The Holy Land" to promote stability in the
> >region,
> > >
> > > It's utter BS. Will you read the ref Todd gave you? And respond to
> > > it? Or do you prefer your cherished notions?
> > >
> > > This was a spiked message from a spiked member, in this thread:
> > >
> > > >
> >ON
> > > >
> > >
> > > His tone and style and yours could hardly be more different, but
> >what
> > > about the content, Ryan? Not much to choose, eh? How do you feel
> > > about that?
> > >
> > > Keith
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > >Ryan
> > > >  -----Original Message-----
> > > >  From: appalenergy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >  Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 8:50 AM
> > > >  To:
> > > >  Subject: [biofuel] Re: US poll about Iraq war
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >  Crikey Ryan!
> > > >
> > > >  Did you read what you wrote? Do you even understand what it is
> >that
> > > >  you communicated?
> > > >
> > > >  How distored a perspective can you have when you say
> > > >
> > > >  > that much more good has come from our use
> > > >  > of the land for the good of the world, than from the natives
> >who
> > > >  inhabited
> > > >  > it previously.
> > > >
> > > >  And to justify such a statement of arrogance by trying to lay
> >guilt
> > > >  on the doorsteps of those who came after such slaughter? How
> > > >  disconnected and disjointed can a human being's thought
> >processes be?
> > > >
> > > >  Benefitted? Haven't you figured out that the mindless
> >and "depraved
> > > >  philosophy" of Manifest Destiny is something that global
> >society is
> > > >  suffering the consequences from to this very day? Not to mention
> > > >  that it's acceptance and implementation in one era smooths the
> >path
> > > >  for its implementation in every generation thereafter.
> > > >
> > > >  Get real for a moment. It's somehow okay to slaughter and
> > > >  displace "the poor, savage, barbaric, nomadic ... natives" who
> > > >  cannot withstand overwhelming numbers, unimaginable weaponry and
> > > >  devastating disease?
> > > >
> > > >  Who the hell are you or anyone else to pass such judgement?
> > > >
> > > >  Wake up for Christ's sake!!! And everyone elses. Standing up for
> > > >  a "depraved philosophy that states we are morally compelled by
> >God
> > > >  Almighty to kill weaker people and steal their land" is every
> >bit as
> > > >  immoral and depraved as those who swing the sword, obliterate
> >food
> > > >  supplies or intentionally seed blankets with smallpox - or any
> > > >  similar actions.
> > > >
> > > >  And then you move on and take issue with applications of similar
> > > >  policies of arrogance in the present day? Something sure isn't
> >wound
> > > >  and tensioned properly in your upstairs orbit if you can on the
> >one
> > > >  hand see the insanity of Bush's implementation of Jacksonian
> >policy
> > > >  but still endorse or justify such aberrations in historical
> >context.
> > > >
> > > >  Somehow you need to get a mental, emotional and even spiritual
> >grip
> > > >  and start understanding that all those dead, maimed and
> >displaced
> > > >  persons from previous generations that you so easily dismiss
> >were as
> > > >  human as you are at this very moment - and judging by your
> >words,
> > > >  perhaps more so in many respects.
> > > >
> > > >  One can only wonder how you would perceive history if you were a
> > > >  mother or child or infant or weathered elder on the receiving
> >end of
> > > >  a saber or bullet sent from "god."
> > > >
> > > >  What are now "ghosts" were once brothers and sisters. And
> >neither
> > > >  you nor anyone else has ever possessed the right to wave your
> >hand
> > > >  and state that their murder is or was justified.
> > > >
> > > >  As for your dismally blind and sweepingly general perspective
> >on how
> > > >  well off the indigenous peoples of the North American continent
> >are
> > > >  today or what the traits of a broadened education are?
> > > >
> > > >  Whatever it is that you're smoking you need to put it down and
> >take
> > > >  a long walk back into the world of reality.
> > > >
> > > >  Todd Swearingen
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >  --- In, "Ryan Morgan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >wrote:
> > > >  > All I can add in our defense, is that much more good has come
> >from
> > > >  our use
> > > >  > of the land for the good of the world, than from the natives
> >who
> > > >  inhabited
> > > >  > it previously.  Yes, you too have benefited from Jackson' s
> >quest,
> > > >  so find a
> > > >  > better argument about the poor, savage, barbaric, nomadic
> >though
> > > >  culturally
> > > >  > rich natives who fell easily to manifest destiny.  Their
> >children
> > > >  are being
> > > >  > well taken care of, and now have the benefit of electricity,
> > > >  inexpensive
> > > >  > housing, internal combustion, oh, and beer.  :)
> > > >  >
> > > >  > Also, we sure picked a loser for a President in 2000, good
> >thing
> > > >  we can kick
> > > >  > him out of office in 2004.  How many other countries refresh
> >their
> > > >  > leadership on such a regular basis?  I agree with some who
> >think
> > > >  his entire
> > > >  > administration should be behind bars for the atrocities,
> > > >  corruption, and
> > > >  > fleecing of not only the American public, but the entire
> >world.  I
> > > >  am
> > > >  > ashamed to be associated with our false President and his
> >cabinet
> > > >  these
> > > >  > days, but proud that I voted for Al Gore, and rightly
> >it
> > > >  turns out.
> > > >  > Is Kerry the answer?  Maybe, but at least he will choose an
> > > >  entirely
> > > >  > different administration and get those crocked-good-for-
> >nothin'
> > > >  Ashcrofts,
> > > >  > Rumsfelds, and Cheneys out of positions of power.  When push
> >comes
> > > >  to shove,
> > > >  > and believe me it has!  The American public will do the right
> > > >  thing.
> > > >  >
> > > >  > In the mean time, we're all [here on this list] are just doing
> > > >  what we can
> > > >  > to reduce the need for foreign oil, to take the incentive
> >away from
> > > >  > stability in the Middle East.  Personally I look forward to
> >the
> > > >  day when the
> > > >  > economics of the region make it impossible to inhabit the
> >area, at
> > > >  least on
> > > >  > the same scale.  Where will all of those people go?  Well,
> >they
> > > >  may just
> > > >  > have to assimilate elsewhere, obey the law, get a job, and act
> > > >  respectable.
> > > >  > Enough of this 2000 year code of Islamic law already, the
> >world
> > > >  awards
> > > >  > progress...they'll figure it out.
> > > >  >
> > > >  > Please note I don't hate Native Americans or Muslim
> >populations in
> > > >  general,
> > > >  > I believe all people are generally good, and have gone
> >through the
> > > >  four
> > > >  > years of feminist based philosophy that is State-sponsored
> > > >  University here
> > > >  > in the US.  With that said-
> > > >  >
> > > >  >
> > > >  > Flame away dear friends,
> > > >  >
> > > >  > Ryan  :)
> > > >  >   -----Original Message-----
> > > >  >   From: Appal Energy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >  >   Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 1:57 PM
> > > >  >   To:
> > > >  >   Subject: Re: [biofuel] US poll about Iraq war
> > > >  >
> > > >  >
> > > >  >   Why not ask the Israelis Ted?
> > > >  >
> > > >  >   No. Wait. They haven't figured out their little problem yet
> > > >  either.
> > > >  >
> > > >  >   Many don't agree with the analogy of Iraq being another
> >Viet Nam.
> > > >  >
> > > >  >   Rather, the comparison to the Gaza Strip or the West Bank
> >is more
> > > >  >   appropriate - continual attrition, continual hate, continual
> > > >  oppression,
> > > >  >   continual occupation.
> > > >  >
> > > >  >   But heck. The US has been very good at oppression,
> >occupation
> > > >  and even
> > > >  >   genocide throughout its "illustrious" past. Just ask any
> > > >  American native.
> > > >  >   And for that? Jackson got his picture on the $20.
> > > >  >
> > > >  >   One very queer country that pays homage to those who are the
> > > >  architects of
> > > >  >   such sweeping devastation.
> > > >  >
> > > >  >   Todd Swearingen
> > > >  >
> > > >  >   ----- Original Message -----
> > > >  >   From: "Ted Dinkelman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >  >   To: <>
> > > >  >   Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 2:02 PM
> > > >  >   Subject: Re: [biofuel] US poll about Iraq war
> > > >  >
> > > >  >
> > > >  >   > As the poll states, the majority think this is a bad
> >idea. My
> > > >  question
> > > >  > is
> > > >  >   how do we get out of it? Just quiting and going home would
> >be a
> > > >  worse
> > > >  >   situation and staying will cost many lives on all sides.
> > > >  >   >
> > > >  >   > Ted
> > > >  >   >
> > > >  >   > Hakan Falk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >  >   >
> > > >  >   >
> > > >  >   > I just saw the latest gallup polls about the Iraq war and
> >Bush
> > > >  handling
> > > >  > of
> > > >  >   > it. As we said the whole time, "it were and is a bad idea
> >to
> > > >  > unilaterally
> > > >  >   > occupy Iraq". Now finally a majority of the American
> >people
> > > >  seems to
> > > >  > agree
> > > >  >   > with it and that Bush is not capable to handle it. Now we
> > > >  cannot find
> > > >  > any
> > > >  >   > majority population of any  country in the world, who
> >think
> > > >  that the
> > > >  > Iraq
> > > >  >   > occupation was or is a good idea.
> > > >  >   >
> > > >  >   > We also find some fine ways of which the OPEC countries
> >show
> > > >  their
> > > >  > opinion
> > > >  >   > of what is happening. They are signing up the major
> > > >  development of
> > > >  > Natural
> > > >  >   > Gas with other countries, like Russia and China, and when
> >US
> > > >  finally
> > > >  > have
> > > >  >   > transport capacity for NG, they will have difficulties to
> >buy
> > > >  enough.
> > > >  > The
> > > >  >   > same is happening on new oil exploration. They also have
> > > >  difficulties in
> > > >  >   > delivering more oil to US. This is not a surprise, if the
> > > >  proponents of
> > > >  >   the
> > > >  >   > opinion that we at the moment experience the Hubbert peak
> >of
> > > >  oil
> > > >  >   > production. The other possibility is that the oil
> >producing
> > > >  countries
> > > >  >   > prefer to sell to China, than to US. My personal opinion
> >is
> > > >  that, even
> > > >  > if
> > > >  >   > they wanted, they cannot meet the growing demand in US
> >and the
> > > >  world. US
> > > >  >   is
> > > >  >   > not only buying to meet higher demands, but is also buying
> > > >  desperately
> > > >  > for
> > > >  >   > filling up their strategic storage reserve, that way
> >pushing
> > > >  prices
> > > >  >   higher.
> > > >  >   >
> > > >  >   > Hakan
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