What fine messages for the end of the year! And the beginning of the next one. Thankyou!

I am far from perfect but would like to express to you
again that together we can make change and I think
that is probably why Journey to Forever website was
formed (thank you Keith and Midori).

You're welcome Phillip, and yes it was.

And Peter G., you wrote this:

The horrors of humanity's inhumanity are painful for
me.  I always wonder about why friendly fire incidents
get so much coverage, but "insurgent" deaths get no
coverage.  Don't we realize that the "insurgents" have
family, wives, children, parents,  who love them as
much as we love ours.  The answer, unfortunately, is
no we don't.  Every "insurgent" death brings with it
as much pain and sorrow as every friendly fire death.
People say they like GW Bush because he sticks to his
guns.  If that is the case then they should really
love the Iraqiis.

Have we learned anything?  Sadly, no we haven't.

Humanity's inhumanity?

And then you wrote this:

The consumer gets what the consumer demands.  Sorry
out there but my feeling is the average consumer is
not capable of intelligent choices after exposure to
the mass media.

Correct identification of villain and victim. I keep saying, and knowing it's true, that we humans are just fine, but our institutions are another matter - and they are NOT human. That they're composed of humans is beside the point - corporations of various ilk may have more human rights than you do, but they are not not even remotely human. That is not to say that they're all evil, of course they're not, but even those that aren't are still not human. Nor are they inviolable or omnipotent. We ordinary people, Gustl's "common people", will win this age-old game in the end, it's our destiny.

[biofuel] Mammoth corporations

Feel No Remorse -- The Corporate Creed

There are good resources on all this in that FYI section at JtF and in the list archives. You really should check this out, IMHO, there's no need to be so pessimistic, and I don't think it's your nature. I've been there, I was angry for years, angry about all the callous injustice in the world. Indeed I had so much to be angry about, I was encountering it face to face all the time in my work. But, it's the wrong approach. I stopped being angry about 15 years ago. The sources of the anger remain, or in many (but not all) cases have increased, I don't pretend about it, I do confront it, I don't have any time for rose-tinted specs, and, truth to tell, I still do get angry sometimes, but it's short-lived, and it doesn't colour my vision.

Phillip is saying nice things about JtF, Gustl about the list community. I don't think such things can be built out of anger or pessimism. It's a choice you can make.

Best wishes


As JTF readers Let us set some goals this New Year of
doing at least a few great things. As it pertains to
the discussions on this listserv my goals for the New
Year for you all are:

1) To finalize and summarize the costs and approach to
buying an orphan vacated U.S. gas station and
converting it into a clean fuel/biodiesel gas station,
including incentives from DOE, commercial credit,
maybe a co-op, and other various factors.

2) FOr me, I plan to "get a real job" to supplement my
consulting in energy efficnecy and renewable
fuels/regional planing in order
to assist people like you readers and people of
similar sensibilities

3) Gain a better understanding of how I can use
locally made regional goods and services and do a
better job of recycling, and offering homegrown goods
and services to help my immediate neighbors.

4) I will not be as "afraid and fearful" in life and
write my congressman and get involved for local and
regional change; regardless of my personal failures.

5) Try to be aware of the plight of others in other
countries and worlds.

Hallo Peter, Hakan, All,

One  thing  I think everyone should understand is that all governments
spy  on  one  another.   No  one has clean hands in this area.  The US
spied  on  China?   So what?  China spies on us and everyone else just
like  everyone  else.   Espionage  of one sort or another is as old as
civilization.   Economic, political, military.  No matter.  It happens
because  of  self  interest  and  despite  our  best philosophical and
religious teachings we have not yet learned that we are all one. Until
we  learn that this sort of thing is going to keep on happening and we
apparently are never going to learn this lesson.  Those of us who have
learned this lesson are in the minority and fighting an uphill battle,
but it is one which we need to keep on fighting.

Governments  are  only  "friendly" to one another when it serves their
purpose.   When  they find they have divergent interests then they may
appear  to  be  friendly  but  in  reality  they  are not.  They share
information and resources when it is in their interests and when it is
not they withhold the same or pass on false and misleading information
or make excuses as to why they cannot "help".  Again, no one has clean
hands here.

It  is  my sincere hope that given the internet and the possibility of
communicating  with  others in other countries that we come to realize
that people in general all want the same thing for themselves which is
peace  and  enough.   Enough  food, shelter, work, friendship, safety.
There  are  those few at the top who want it all and they are the ones
who  manipulate  the  rest for their own ends.  If we pay attention we
can  see  this.   If  we don't then things will not change.  The blame
game  is  not  the  best  thing for us to be playing.  It is better to
recognize  that  every country has its good and bad points, its faults
and  its  advantages.   No  country has the market cornered on good or

When  I  was  in  the  military I was in Naples, Italy and there was a
certain  section  of  town  which  was  off  limits  because  it was a
Communist  stronghold  and both the Italian and US authorities thought
it  would be "dangerous" for a US serviceman to go there.  Of course I
went  there  straight  away.  I sat down in a bar and ordered beer and
the "commies" came up and started talking to me.  At first they were a
bit  cautious  and hostile and we certainly had different views of how
the  world  should  be  run  but we found common ground on what we all
wanted  which  was  peace  and enough.  When the Italian police and US
military  police  found  out  there was a serviceman in the place they
tried  to  come in and take me out and arrest me but my "enemies", the
"commies"  refused them admittance and hustled me out the back door to
another  place  where  we  continued our conversation undisturbed.  No
minds  were  changed  that  day  when it came to politics but a mutual
understanding  and  respect  was achieved without violence and without
strife.  It is possible.

I  have  seen how far this list has come from a year ago and am amazed
and  impressed.  We have had our disagreements and not everyone thinks
the  same  but  with reason and tolerance we have become a pretty good
family  unit  I  think.   Those  who  have  sought to disrupt the list
because  of their own self interests and beliefs are gone in the main.
Those  of  us left are civil, tolerant and reasonable in the main.  We
still have a ways to go but then we are always going to have a ways to
go.   Perfection doesn't seem destined for this world but that doesn't
mean  we  should  stop  trying.   If  our  governments, militaries and
economic  entities want to play at division let the common people play
at peace and cooperation.  Much has been achieved with more to follow.
There is always hope for change.

Happy Happy,


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