Hey cs,

Why so angry?  No need to get nasty.  Your early points have already
received backing, personally, I see no attacks on you.  Argue your point to
your satisfaction if that is your desire, but I see no reason to include
comments that could even remotely be construed as spiteful.  I am getting a
real sense now of just how deep distrust, and even hatred of Americans runs
in the world, not just here, although I do sense it here.  It's a shame

Mike Krafka
Minnesota USA
"If you think you are too small to make a
difference try sleeping with a mosquito."
Dalai Lama
"The difference between truth and fiction
is that fiction must make sense or nobody
will believe it."   Mark Twain
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "csc-propulsion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 7:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Made in China?

>   If you doesn't know the facts, then u should ask your Congressman why
> Bush OK the takeover of Global Crossing by Singapore Telemedia?
>   If you do not know Li Ka Shing, then u should ask Hongkong & Shanghai
> bosses in UK or the people of HK.
>   If u wish to blame China for America's accumulated trade problems, asked
> Madeline Albright if China has taken advantage of USA. Ask her if she
> that Chinese consumer products has indeed bought about reduced inflation
> USA.
>   Bash China for all u can but find a real good reason for doing so. If
> media can be trusted, Americans would be a happier lot but there are so
> bullshit being written for real like Jon Dougherty from WorldnetDaily.
> (Eventually he was exposed as writing for a famous American entreprenuer
> wanted to have Global Crossing for nothing so they hit onto this
> nationalistic fervour but Bush turn it down) My advice is for him to join
> Hollywood as a script writer so that more bullshit can be captured on
> screen. Walt, catch up with your reading. The 2002 article is already
> outdated.
>   CS
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: "Walt Patrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 2:01 PM
>   Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Made in China?
>   > At 07:25 PM 12/29/2004, CS Chua wrote:
>   > >   Most Americans like Walt Patrick are victims of USA media
> reporting,
>   > >which unfortunately twist their facts depending on which lobby pays
> them in
>   > >Washington.
>   >
>   >          Here's an example of the twisty reporting that raises
>   >
>   > http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=26539
>   >
>   >          Is CS offering gospel or BS?
>   >
>   >          Walt Patrick certainly doesn't know, but this he is confident
> of:
>   > the Chinese think in the long term, whereas Americans seem to have
>   > abandoned any considerations beyond those immediately at hand.
>   >
>   >          And the smart money knows that those who play the long game
> tend
>   > to win in the long run.
>   >
>   > Walt
>   >
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>   >
>   > Biofuel archives at Infoarchive.net (searchable):
>   > http://infoarchive.net/sgroup/biofuel/
>   >
>   >
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