If you doesn't know the facts, then u should ask your Congressman why the
Bush OK the takeover of Global Crossing by Singapore Telemedia?

  If you do not know Li Ka Shing, then u should ask Hongkong & Shanghai Bank
bosses in UK or the people of HK.

  If u wish to blame China for America's accumulated trade problems, asked
Madeline Albright if China has taken advantage of USA. Ask her if she agreed
that Chinese consumer products has indeed bought about reduced inflation for

  Bash China for all u can but find a real good reason for doing so. If USA
media can be trusted, Americans would be a happier lot but there are so much
bullshit being written for real like Jon Dougherty from WorldnetDaily.
(Eventually he was exposed as writing for a famous American entreprenuer who
wanted to have Global Crossing for nothing so they hit onto this
nationalistic fervour but Bush turn it down) My advice is for him to join
Hollywood as a script writer so that more bullshit can be captured on
screen. Walt, catch up with your reading. The 2002 article is already

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: "Walt Patrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 2:01 PM
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Made in China?

  > At 07:25 PM 12/29/2004, CS Chua wrote:
  > >   Most Americans like Walt Patrick are victims of USA media
  > >which unfortunately twist their facts depending on which lobby pays
them in
  > >Washington.
  >          Here's an example of the twisty reporting that raises concerns.
  > http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=26539
  >          Is CS offering gospel or BS?
  >          Walt Patrick certainly doesn't know, but this he is confident
  > the Chinese think in the long term, whereas Americans seem to have
  > abandoned any considerations beyond those immediately at hand.
  >          And the smart money knows that those who play the long game
  > to win in the long run.
  > Walt
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