Most Americans like Walt Patrick are victims of USA media  reporting,
which unfortunately twist their facts depending on which lobby pays them in

       Here's an example of the twisty reporting that raises concerns.

WorldNet itself raises concerns, caveat emptor (even if it's free). Falwell, Robertson, Hal Lindsey, Savage, Farah, Coulter... what else would you expect?

       Is CS offering gospel or BS?

He's right about Hutchinson Whampoa, Li Ka Shing, Global Crossing, Singapore Telemedia, and about most other things, from what I know. That's his facts anyway - they are facts. I'm not sure about his approach, if it's us vs them (like you) then I don't agree.

Walt Patrick certainly doesn't know, but this he is confident of: the Chinese think in the long term, whereas Americans seem to have abandoned any considerations beyond those immediately at hand.

And the smart money knows that those who play the long game tend to win in the long run.

Depends how you play it. Sheer dumb luck aside, a good strategist and tactician will beat a would-be millenial emperor blinded by ambition and ideology. America's Neocons and the neoliberal economists have been playing a long game indeed and continue to play it. US foreign policy post-WWII has not lacked for long-term goals, despite a considerable lack of foresight - see, for instance, among many others:

See also:
Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower, by William Blum
Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, by William Blum

Best wishes



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