Dear Hakan,

I hold no brief for the second Gulf war and am totally disgusted with 
George Bush and was so before it became cool to be disgusted with George 
Bush.  However, this assertion about the US led blockade has always 
seemed to me grossly unfair.  Large numbers of children (and adults for 
that matter) died as a direct consequence of how Sadam chose to spend 
the money from the oil for food program.  He built 27 palaces and 
diverted money to rebuild his military.  Given how he gassed and 
tortured Iraqis before the first Gulf war he needed no help from the US 
to visit atrocities on his own people.   If he had used the money the 
way it was intended, for food and medicine, nobody would have starved.  
Also, this is without taking into consideration the hundreds of millions 
of dollars he had stashed away outside the country that could have been 
used to feed his people.  Or do we say that, since he was a head of 
state, he stole the money fair and square so it was his?


>>>During the years between the first and the second Gulf war, a very
>>>large number of children died each year, something that Galloway
>>>picked up in his part of the US "oil for food" hearings. "..- who died
>>>only because the fact that they were born in Iraq at the wrong time".
>>>Many 1,000's more than anything from the hurricane. I still have the
>>>Galloway speech at,
>>>This was a direct consequence of the US led blockade. In this case
>>>it was not the parents, it was the "Americans".  I did not see many
>>>Americans being upset about that.

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