There were several kill sites in this the two Counties invloved. at the 
time I understand the killing was on Private land. but that is not to 
say that there is not some public land involved.

Mike Weaver wrote:

>Just out of curiosity, was this on public or private land?
>JJJN wrote:
>>We had a single (or pair of them, the feds could not be sure) Wolf Kill 
>>well over 100 Sheep. Over 50 in one night. When the Federal Fish and 
>>Wildlife finally authorized Federal trappers to Kill "one" Wolf They 
>>hunted it for 6 months in the badlands using an airplane and 4X4 with no 
>>success. Another confirmed sheep kill by wolf was reported in Dawson 
>>county 2 Months ago. Local trappers are sure from what they see that it 
>>is a mating pair not a Lobo. But then what do locals know about 
>>anything. Don't get me wrong I like to see wolves but I struggle with 
>>how they fit into the agricultural areas of Eastern Montana. Whats worse 
>>is the pathetic slow pace the Feds take and the arrogance they display 
>>to the State Fish Wildlife and Parks.
>>Just venting,
>>Kirk McLoren wrote:
>>>If you think beef is expensive now wait till more of them start
>>>hunting cows instead of deer and elk. A wolf in Stanfield killed 8
>>>steers in one night. So much for "they only kill for food". They
>>>started on sheep last year. Some ranchers are going out of business
>>>soon. One fellow lost over 60 ewes this spring.
>>>I bet none of you read any of this in the newspaper though. Or on tv.
>>>   " * Lady and Blackey: Cry Wolf
>>>   *
>>>   */ By Scott Richard
>>>   /*
>>>   Hi, my name is Scott Richards and I have lived in Grangeville ,
>>>   Idaho for the last 17 years. I have enjoyed training my hunting
>>>   dogs for the past 34 years. To do this it takes a great deal of
>>>   love for your dogs and for the great outdoors. I have always
>>>   prided myself in the manner of which I train my dogs and take care
>>>   of them. When I choose a new pup he or she spends the first 6
>>>   months of their life in my house. They are loved and a bond is
>>>   there forever. I do not believe there are bad dog’s, just
>>>   inexperienced owners. I have spent the last 4 years trying to
>>>   introduce this sport to as many young people as I could. My photo
>>>   albums are full of pictures with children setting under a tree
>>>   with the dogs telling them good job. That has all changed now! The
>>>   reason I am writing this story is not to debate whether the
>>>   Canadian gray wolf should be or should not be here. I am not going
>>>   to debate anyone about how many wolfs are really in the state of
>>>   Idaho . I will say our Elk, Moose and Deer populations are in
>>>   serious trouble now! The real reason I am telling this story is
>>>   that I have a conscience, and what happened to my dogs and me last
>>>   Wednesday 5/25/2006 at 9:45 in the morning. It’s been a few days
>>>   now and the shock has turned from fear to disbelief to anger and
>>>   now the major concern for the safety of anyone who lives in or
>>>   visits are state. My life that I have loved raising and training
>>>   these special working dogs is now over.
>>>   Crying wolf!!
>>>   This Wednesday morning started like most days when I am training
>>>   dogs. I was a few miles from my house and turned up the hill on
>>>   the Service Flats Road . I let my dogs out of the box; jumped into
>>>   my truck and followed them up the road for a mile letting them
>>>   clean out. I had 8 dogs with me and 7 of them were very
>>>   experienced 2, 3, and 4 year olds. I had one 5 month old pup. I
>>>   loaded 4 dogs on the top of the box and 4 inside the box. I did
>>>   not have to drive far and the dogs sounded off letting me know a
>>>   bear had crossed the road. My friend Bryon had driven up from
>>>   Lewiston to train some of his young dogs. I turned out a 4 year
>>>   old named Jasper, he left the road and let me know the track was
>>>   fresh. I told Bryon turn his dogs loose as I did. They quickly
>>>   dropped into a canyon where bears hang in the brushy bottoms in
>>>   daylight hours. When all the dogs reached the bottom 5 dogs went
>>>   up the other side of the canyon headed toward Fish Creek
>>>   campground. The other group of dogs came right back up the hill to
>>>   us. They put the bears in a tree 20 minutes later. The other group
>>>   of dogs treed about the same time about 1- 1/2 miles away. Bryon
>>>   and I went to the nearest dogs first. When we were under the tree
>>>   we found they had a mature sow and a 2-year-old cub. We took a few
>>>   pictures and we were back in the trucks ready to go to the other
>>>   dogs. We drove back up to where we heard the group of 5 dogs top
>>>   over and shortly there after tree the bear. When we checked where
>>>   the dogs still had the bear treed. We drove as close as we could &
>>>   stopped and listened, they were about 4 hundred yards away treeing
>>>   solid. I made the decision to move the truck 200 yards to the low
>>>   side of the saddle; this would be an easy way back with the dogs.
>>>   When Bryon and I crested the hill instead of hearing a roar of
>>>   barking dogs treeing we heard nothing. We were looking at each
>>>   other like where did they go; we just heard them there 5 minutes
>>>   ago. Then one dog barked in one place another barked 50 yards
>>>   away. I said to Bryon that neither dog that we heard sounded like
>>>   any of our dogs. He agreed. Then I heard a dog bark that I new was
>>>   mine, but at the end of his bark there was a sharp yelp. Bryon and
>>>   I headed down the hill in a hurry about 75 yards apart. About 300
>>>   yards down the hill I was stopped dead in my tracks by a big dark
>>>   colored wolf. My Blackey dog was getting attacked, I was 20 yards
>>>   away now and closing fast, screaming and yelling as I ran. I
>>>   stopped at about 12 feet from the wolf and even though I was
>>>   screaming and waving my arms the wolf did not break from the
>>>   attack. Every time Blackey tried to run the wolf would sink his
>>>   teeth into Blackey’s hindquarters. All the while I was screaming
>>>   louder than I ever screamed in my life. Without any thought I
>>>   picked up a 4-foot stick, stepped toward the wolf swung and hit a
>>>   tree. When the branch went crack and the tree went thud the wolf
>>>   instantly lunged at me. I remember thinking I was going to die. I
>>>   ran from tree to tree straight up hill towards my truck. When that
>>>   wolf lunged at me I believed I would have been seriously hurt or
>>>   dead if not for Blackey. I did not see what took place, but what I
>>>   heard was my dog giving his life to save me. As I reached the
>>>   truck Bryon was digging in his truck for a gun. As I ran up he
>>>   started yelling we got wolfs! I was trying to listen to him as I
>>>   was searching for a gun as I took my pistol in my hand and turned
>>>   toward Bryon, when I looked into his eyes I realized I was not the
>>>   only one threatened by wolfs. We were heading back down to see if
>>>   we could save Blackey or Lady or Halley, but there was no sound. I
>>>   wanted to here a bell dingle or a bark but nothing. As Bryon and I
>>>   hurried back to the truck to get my tracking box, I finally
>>>   understood Bryon was able to fight off 3 wolfs and save 2 dogs.
>>>   Snyper and Bullet, they were safe in the dog box with no life
>>>   threatening injuries. With the tracking box in hand I tuned in on
>>>   Ladies tracking collar and said to Bryon not Lady not Lady, but I
>>>   new she was dead. Then I tuned to Blackey, and said to Bryon, he
>>>   was dead, and then I tuned in Halley’s collar. 1 beep every 4
>>>   seconds that means all 3 dogs had not moved for at least 5
>>>   minutes. All dead! I was just standing there in shock. We decided
>>>   to look for Halley first we were getting real close the receiver
>>>   was pegging the needle on close and turned way down. I knew a few
>>>   more steps and I would be looking at one of my babies. My heart
>>>   skipped a beat when Halley’s tree switch went off, I didn’t know
>>>   if she was alive or if a wolf was dragging her off. We ran the
>>>   direction the needle was pointing and in a few yards there she
>>>   was. She was trying to get up, her stomach was ripped open and her
>>>   guts were hanging out a foot. She had over 60 bite marks deep
>>>   gashes all over her body. Her stomach was torn in multiple spots.
>>>   Bryon went into action, off came his shirt and we wrapped it
>>>   tightly around her stomach. I carried her back to Bryon’s truck
>>>   put her in the front seat and Brian headed for the Vets. I
>>>   remember thinking I wouldn’t see Halley alive again. I started
>>>   tracking Blacky next; it did not take long to find him. He wasn’t
>>>   far from where the wolf came after me. He was dead and lying in a
>>>   pool of his own blood. He was bit and torn so full of holes I just
>>>   fell to the ground bawling and crying. I could not quit thinking
>>>   he gave his life to save me. I was sitting there when it hit me
>>>   Lady, better get to Lady. When I tuned her in I new she was within
>>>   a 100 yards. I lined up with her collar and next thing I knew
>>>   there she laid in a heap, her eyes wide open looking straight into
>>>   my eyes. For one second I thought she might be alive. When I knelt
>>>   down beside her I new she was dead. Its very hard to describe the
>>>   type of death these dogs were handed. It was easy to see that the
>>>   wolfs want to cripple there prey, torture it and then kill it. I
>>>   have never seen a worse way for any animal or person to die. I
>>>   made it back to town and took care of my dogs that made it through
>>>   this nightmare that happened in the light of day. Then I headed to
>>>   see if Halley needed to be buried. When I walked into the
>>>   veterinarian’s office I was greeted with, Did you find the rest of
>>>   your dogs? I tried to say they were all dead but could not get the
>>>   words out; all I could do is cry. After a few minutes standing
>>>   alone I heard a voice behind me say Halley is still alive do you
>>>   want to see her? I instantly headed for the back room and when I
>>>   turned the corner I saw this little black ball covered in stitches
>>>   swollen twice her normal size. I stopped and said out loud oh my
>>>   God Halley what have they done to you? When she heard me say her
>>>   name she lifted her head, whined and waged her tail. I kneeled
>>>   down and held her and comforted her. The whole time wondering if
>>>   she was the lucky one or was Blackey and Lady the lucky ones. When
>>>   I looked into her eyes it was easy to see the only reason she was
>>>   still alive, the wolfs had choked her out. Her eyes were full of
>>>   blood, they had left her for dead. The Doc said it was a miracle
>>>   she was alive at all. Her lungs were badly damaged but what most
>>>   concerned us all was infection from all the tears and bites. I
>>>   knew this little dog had more heart and desire then a 1200lb
>>>   grizzly bear and yet was as gentle with my granddaughters as my
>>>   chocolate lab. If it were just a fight with infection she would
>>>   win. So on the way home I called the Idaho Fish and Game to report
>>>   what had happened. They were very understanding and I could tell
>>>   they were sincere when they said they were sorry for my loss. They
>>>   also made it clear there was nothing they could do for me and that
>>>   there hands were tied. They said they would write the report, and
>>>   call the federal agent. Justin the government trapper contacted me
>>>   by phone and arranged to meet me first light in the morning. We
>>>   were at the site of the attack early the next morning. We went to
>>>   the site where I had laid Lady in the shade. She was gone without
>>>   a trace. So I took Justin to where Blackey was laying and he had
>>>   also disappeared. We searched around and found nothing. About that
>>>   time a crow down below me called three times so we walked toward
>>>   the sound. It did not take long and we were standing over the
>>>   remains of the dog that saved me from harm. All that was left of
>>>   him was his head and backbone. Had we been an hour later there
>>>   would have been nothing left of him. We had spooked the wolfs off
>>>   while they were finishing there prey. In 5 hours all we found of
>>>   Lady was a pile of fresh wolf scat full of white, brown and black
>>>   dog hair. Lady was a tri-colored walker, that color. Justin and I
>>>   buried what was left of Blackey. We piled heavy stones on his
>>>   grave and I walked away thinking that it could have been me. I
>>>   could have been just a pile of wolf scat lying on the ground and
>>>   leaving people wonder where I had disappeared to. I couldn’t help
>>>   but think of the 22-year-old man who was killed and eaten by wolfs
>>>   in Canada this winter. There’s been a slaughter on hound dogs and
>>>   pets in Idaho and it is getting worse daily. I have been assured
>>>   that if these wolfs kill any cows or sheep, goats, pigs, horses
>>>   they will become a problem and will be dealt with, and the owners
>>>   will be compensated. That’s a relief!! Dogs have no value to
>>>   anyone in the government it seems. So what I love to do is over, I
>>>   will not send another dog to slaughter or feed another starving
>>>   wolf pack. My concerns now are that the wolfs are running out of
>>>   easy prey and are now eating dogs. In wet muddy areas where elk
>>>   and moose have always been plentiful, I no longer can find even a
>>>   track. Per haps aliens took them off to a safer planet. I hope you
>>>   did not find that funny. This is the first documented case in
>>>   Idaho where the wolfs have eaten a dog after killing it. The real
>>>   reason I had to write this story is Public safety. The people who
>>>   live in this wonderful state are being left clueless to the
>>>   dangers that await them, in our national forests. The general
>>>   public is unaware of the danger that awaits them in our national
>>>   forest and else where. Since I retired I have spent no less then 4
>>>   days a week in the mountains, what has amazed me are how many of
>>>   these wolfs are right around peoples homes. When they are out of
>>>   easy prey be ready. For as long as I can remember when you were in
>>>   the mountains for any reason a dog by your side was a great
>>>   defense to warn you of predators. I to believed in this. But now a
>>>   dog is nothing more than bait to lure wolfs to you. Recently while
>>>   cougar hunting with an associate of mine who is a licensed guide
>>>   like myself had a wolf encounter. He was cougar hunting with a dog
>>>   on a leash when three wolfs charged up on him. With waving arms
>>>   and a screaming voice he was able to persuade them to leave, but
>>>   what if they had been a little hungrier? Your natural instinct
>>>   will be to defend your companion. I am not saying to leave your
>>>   friend at home but be prepared. Put a bell or a beeper on him or
>>>   her so you know where they are at all times. The most important
>>>   thing is to pack a firearm! I personally believe pepper spray will
>>>   not work in a pack attack. Keep your dogs quiet when you are
>>>   walking, no barking. If they are tied up in camp, no barking. And
>>>   for Gods sake don’t let your children play with your pets and have
>>>   them barking while there playing. My personal belief is the war
>>>   has been lost, its to late to save are big game herds in my
>>>   lifetime. The perfect plan to end our hunting in Idaho , Montana ,
>>>   Wyoming and soon Washington , Oregon and the entire Rocky Mountain
>>>   Range. It’s fool proof and would take an order from the President
>>>   to change it. So what I have loved to do for most of my life is
>>>   over. So enjoy while you still can, be prepared, pack a gun! I
>>>   prey you never encounter a pack of Canadian gray wolfs.
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