   I think I understand your position.  And wolves are very keen preditors but 
again, I reiterate this link:

Cattle inventory

    * January 1, 2003:
          o U.S.—96.1 million, down from 1996 peak of 103.5 million
          o Canada—13.5 million head
    *  January 1, 2004
          o U.S.—94.9 million head (cyclical low)
          o Canada—14.7 million head

With an estimated 50,000 wolves 
( it appears that Canada 
still has cows.

Now, lets look at the per capita comparisons:

.4 cows per person in Canada (32,000,000 pop: )
.3 cows per person in the US (presuming 295 million as the population)

In 1982, the US had about 39 Million head of beef cattle and now, we have 33.9 
and there seems enough to go around.  As far as the wildlife are concerned, 
that too is too complex to simply sum up with local data.

So, yes, many don't see the wolf problem in the news.  But then again, those 
who do see it probably fail to look at the broader picture and just presume 
that Wolves are a threat to all of us.  Like I said, in Minnesota wolves are an 
issue but I don't fear for my life and the wildlife is certainly not doing 
badly with the wolves. and show 
the numbers for wolves and deer in this state.  The first link fails to mention 
the 200,000 deer harvested by hunting vs. the 40,000 by wolves.

Anecdotal evidence is useful but the story, just as with the article you 
posted, is never told in its entirety and must be taken as just that, anecdotal 
and not universal.  We make jokes about it, not to make fun of you but because 
we are not alarmed at the issue.  Besides, my joke about the curtain was a 
subtext about the proposed fence between the US and Mexico.


On Tuesday, August 08, 2006 12:04 PM, Kirk McLoren wrote:
>Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 10:04:45 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Kirk McLoren
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Wolf attack near Grangeville
>The Canadians wet themselves laughing when we trapped wolves to take South. 
>And a hearty thank you eh. If you want to understand what is coming here 
>examine where we got the wolves. One fellow setting traps said he saw 1 deer 
>print in 10 days. Thats all - the sum total. Everything. --If that is your 
>idea of ecology have at it.

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