Jim Leonard wrote:
>Pedro Quaresma wrote:
> Now if anyone says the best RPG saga is Final Fantasy, I _will_ go
> ;)

>We're not that stupid.  :-)  But Wasteland and Fallout (haven't played
>2 yet) are definitely tied for my #1 favorite RPGs of all time.  I haven't
>played many, but I can't believe that there are more than 10 better RPGs

What a coincidence, both are Tim Cain games :) Or you just simply love
post-nuke :)

But there are 10 better RPGs than those, at least in my opinion. I really
disliked Wasteland's save system, and Fallout is finisheable in less than a
day... besides the fact that it is easy to exterminate all monsters to find
yourself in a "I can't level anymore because I've finished all quests and
have no more monsters to kill except for random wilderness encounters"

10 great RPGs better than those two... Ultima 4, 6 and 7, Betrayal in
Krondor, Darklands, Magic Candle 1, Wizardry 6, Starflight.... hmmmm...
Ultima Underworld 1 and 2! ;)

>Kwick Kwestion for those very familiar with RPGs:  I really enjoyed the
>systems in Wasteland and Fallout, and how using a skill over time
>that skill's effectiveness.

Can't remember Wasteland, but with Fallout it mostly increased with levels,
rarely with  practice. Besides, it got to a point where extra points in
certain skills did nothing new.

>Any other RPGs exist like that?

Ohhhhhhh, yes :) I'll just mention Darklands and Daggerfall.

In the first, there are no character levels, all skills increase with use,
learning and knowledge, ranging from theology, to weapon use, streetwise,
alchemy, etc. There are a few games like this. Betrayal in Krondor, for

In the second, you can create your own character class, and choose the 3
main skills it uses (you can use all skills, but these 3 determine your
levels). You do not raise levels by getting xp from monsters, but from
getting better in those skills... this was a brilliant idea by Bethesda, it
isn't logical that a class named "Merchant" gains levels for killing
monsters, or "Mages" for pounding peasants to death with their club.

(this is one of the two things that makes Daggerfall an excellent game,

Pedro R. Quaresma
"All your base are belong to us"


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