Hi everyone... I'm just getting out of a funk in which I didn't play any
games for about 6 months (with the exception of a few MAME titles), and now
that I'm back in I started wondering what the rest of you all are playing.
Trying to figure out if there is some sort of common denominator that us old
schoolers look for in modern games, and which old games still attract us to
the computer.

So if everyone could send out a list of the games they currently play (and I
mean really put hours in, or play more then once a week... not just boot up
once a year... like I do with Skate or Die)

Here I go:
Max Payne  (up until a few weeks ago when I beat it)
Crimson Skies
Monopoly Tycoon

North and South (Amiga - Emulated)
Nuclear War (Amiga -emulated)
Super Pang (MAME)

Looking forward to seeing the taste variations here!

Karl Kuras
Visit Our House the online comicstip!

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