C.E. Forman stated:
>Space, perhaps.  You can slap an old 5.25" drive in your modern PC and
>probably get most games to work with enough fiddling.  But do most players
>(non-collectors) really want to lug a big bulky Apple II into their house?

That's what the Apple //c is for, silly. 8)  Speaking of which, I just
got one from a friend.  It's just the bare system (computer & power
supply).  I asked him to keep an eye out for software, but I'm not
expecting much.  He's not into computers.  He's apparently had this
one since college (which is when we met), but never got a monitor for
it, so never used it.

So now I've got a //e, //c, and IIgs.  Just need a II+ and II (yeah,
right), and I'll have a complete collection. 8)

Lee K. Seitz

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