Jeez, rains it frikkin' pours on this list.  B-)

> Apple ][ Angelsofts show up semi-regularly on eBay and don't ever seem to
> go above $25 or so for your average opened but complete copy.  I still
> have only two of them for IBM.  I wonder what it will take to convince CE
> Forman that IBM Applesoft titles are actualy *rare*.  8)

Well, considering that I've found several of them over the years through
sources outside of eBay, I just don't see them as being rare overall,
compared to some other titles.  Yeah, a couple of the titles are fairly
difficult finds (Indiana Jones was a problem for me for years), but when
I've been looking I've seen about as many PC copies as, say, Apple II.  Just
my own experience.

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