Dan Chisarick stated:
>       That's actually another interesting point.  Is an emulator which comes 
>"close enough" really good enough?  I've seen some really damn good 
>emulators that are works of art, but they're not perfect.

>  I'll play Choplifter with the cannon fire sound just a bit off, or a 
>little scratchiness in the already scratchy music of a computer that 
>had no tone generator to begin with and be happy.

You mentioned the one game where, for me, emulation isn't quite good
enough.  Choplifter was the first (non-educational) game I convinced
my parents to buy for our //e.  To me, you just don't get the full
experience without the unique sound of the Choplifter disk booting up.
(And mine's gone bad!!!)

Lee K. Seitz

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