That's actually another interesting point. Is an emulator which comes "close enough" really good enough? I've seen some really damn good emulators that are works of art, but they're not perfect. Not perfect in the sense that the sounds still aren't quite right. The joystick emulation is a hair bit different. Even if you stuffed a PC inside an Apple case (or whatever classic box) you'd know. Personally, with really old games, you had to use your imagination a fair amount to begin with :) I consider this a logical extension. For me, a 5.5 lbs laptop that can emulate vintage Apples and a C64 is more than adequate. I'll play Choplifter with the cannon fire sound just a bit off, or a little scratchiness in the already scratchy music of a computer that had no tone generator to begin with and be happy.
One thing I came across for no reason is "rebirth" by Propellerhead software. Its a digital replica of a vintage drum and bass analog synthesizer. They started with a diagram of the circuitry, and made a mathematical model of each component (sick) to get a really close approximation of the actual sound. Sure that's what any emulator is at some level or another, but I'd *love* to see that level of attention to detail for a SID chip :)

On Thursday, July 24, 2003, at 09:59 PM, Lee K. Seitz wrote:

C.E. Forman stated:

Space, perhaps. You can slap an old 5.25" drive in your modern PC and
probably get most games to work with enough fiddling. But do most players
(non-collectors) really want to lug a big bulky Apple II into their house?

That's what the Apple //c is for, silly. 8) Speaking of which, I just got one from a friend. It's just the bare system (computer & power supply). I asked him to keep an eye out for software, but I'm not expecting much. He's not into computers. He's apparently had this one since college (which is when we met), but never got a monitor for it, so never used it.

So now I've got a //e, //c, and IIgs.  Just need a II+ and II (yeah,
right), and I'll have a complete collection. 8)

Lee K. Seitz

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