
Em 2006/05/31, às 01:27, Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA escreveu:


        But to sum it up: besides infringing IBB’s copy rights, if we
put something else than Revisada to fill up PorAA’s omission, we would
create an textual Frankenstein.

I agree, but only in part. I was only trying to help solve a problem that I see no solution for it in the near future. And I'm sure I have enough expertise to do the minor changes we'd need to do (even though I'm not a scholar).

Anyway, I think we'll not get anywhere with this discussion. JUERP will not answer sooner enough (although I think they will never ask we remove PorAA for the same reason). My work, for now on, is to start asking for permissions for other versions. ARC is a good start. I have a module built and I have a hard copy of it with no copyright statement (SBP's edition). This means I can read the whole thing in a few months (does anyone want to help?) and make a few comparisons to see if I can really put it as Public Domain (contacting SBP itself). If all of these are correct, I'll make the module available to someone at crosswire, so they can upload it on their website, if they want.

Also, if you brazilians want, we can have booth portuguese ARC and brazilian ARC. I can read both, anyway, as well as all the portuguese I know, educated or not. I just like ours better than yours.

In the mean while, I'd like to take a look at the AVR module that you created, Leandro. I can't find a working link in the list. This link http://dutra.fastmail.fm./pt-BR_JFA_Rev2.(osis|ubnd).bz2 — is a dead end. As well as all the others I tried (except for one that didn't had what I wanted...). Can you send me a working link?

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