On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 5:02 AM, asmeurer <asmeu...@gmail.com> wrote:

This is a great project; I hope this gets accepted.

> • Am I missing anything important here?

* Implement the (generalized) hypergeometric differential equation and
add hypergeometric functions like Bessel and Airy functions to SymPy
(these functions are needed to solve many important ODEs from physics
and elsewhere)

* Identification of singular points of linear ODEs. Series expansions
for linear ODEs with unknown solution (see for example "Advanced
Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers" by Bender &
Orszag). Possibly difficult, especially since the series code in SymPy
has some problems.

* Symbolic FEM code, e.g. for approximating ODE solutions by
polynomials (see e.g.
or by trigonometric polynomials (Fourier series).

* Implement automatic transformation of high-order ODEs to systems of
first-order ODEs. Write wrappers for numerical ODE solvers in mpmath
and/or SciPy  so that numerical solutions can be obtained conveniently
in SymPy.

Though I will not be mentoring, I will be happy to provide guidance
about any of the above if necessary.


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