On Mar 13, 9:31 pm, Sergiu Ivanov <unlimitedscol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 3:05 PM, Abhiram Ampabathina
> <abhiram.ampabath...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > First:https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8pXy4LH0sF0dmRuTy1rX01SWkc1Y1NUalBvS...
> > Second:https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8pXy4LH0sF0VlhPeENDVXVUd2VDck9Kc2VBY...
> > Third:https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8pXy4LH0sF0REliUXozeUlUQUswQnNfUU5UU...
> I'd rather keep all of these on a single page.  In this case the user
> will not have to click "Next" two times to get to the list of
> features.
> Also, what does "Leave this page as flag" do?
> Sergiu

Hello Sergiu,
                         "Leave this page as flag"  means that, to
leave this page as marked. When i open my practical guide it should
not start from the first page, instead it should start from the page i
left a flag, so that i can resume my practice. I have made them into 3
pages cause it would be nice if they get to know everything slowly,
instead of dumping the matter into a same page. It may be good to know
everything carefully at the starting stage right? That, is why i 've
done like that. Please, leave remarks so that i can correct them.
Thanks for the looking. I would like to know what i should be able to
be a part of GSOC 2012.

Project Idea: Making a Sympy Practical Guide(Combining documentation,
testing and rendering the code at same time and same place).
              > Using the current live Sympy Console, We could
implement the rest of the Guide.
              > Useful for new users to get acquainted quickly.
              > New Developers try experimenting there at the console
itself, by understanding the code.
              > Small exercises given
Platform: PyGTK

What do you think of it?

Reply me Sergiu


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