That's me again. ^__^

2012/5/13 Yu Chen <jco...@gmail.com>:
> Hi
> 1)
> Regarding encapsulate and group, I have to point out that synfig layer
> is primitive layer, in other graphics softwares in the world,
> they are normally defined as objects, take a look at Adobe Illustrator or
> Inkscape. There is another key point I have to mention capsulated
> layers are not 100% the same as group layers in other software, a capsulated
> layer is a canvas (exported or inline) in fact in synfig world. If
> we rename it to group, a user (newbie) will still expect it behaves as in
> other graphic softwares. so from my point of view this renaming can
> not solve the  problem we are trying to solve.
> Yes, I redesigned group and inline canvas icons[1], there was some facts
> when I did them: I didn't know what exactly the inline canvas and
> group meaning in synfig, as most of newbies come from other graphics world,
> you can see at the forum discussions, I made a proposal
> using a "Folder" metaphor for inline canvas and for group too. From this
> mistake I made, we can have some valuable things: renaming
> inline canvas/encapsulate to Group can help but impede a user to catch
> synfig concept quickly. We all have to agree that "ease to learn" is
> not our main target since doing full feature animation movie with computer
> is not a ease job.

I understand, that "Encapsulated layer" in synfig is not the same as
group in other software.
BUT, I still insist  on renaming to Group and I have a reason for that.
Let me share with you my experience of teaching Synfig to kids (age of
14 - 17 years old).
I do that for 2,5 years already and I can say for sure, that word
"Encapsulate" doesn't say anything to them. As well as "Capsule".
When I say: "You need to encapsulate those objects" - kids stay confused.
But when I say "Hey, let's group those layers together" - they have no
problems with understanding.
After that all I need to mention is that "all those filter layers like
"Blur", "Twirl" can not influence outside the group". And this is
perfectly fine for them to understand. The "scope limit" becomes just
another property.

It's proven that there's nothing in such approach preventing kids to
understand the concepts. And thus for users as well.

Don't get me wrong, Yu, I love all the work you did on icons redesign.
I just don't like the "capsule" concept as it's harder to understand
and explain from my experience. ^__^

> If we finally make the decision that we have to rename encapsulate to group,
> group to sets, it will fine to me. but I can't agree with
> "keeping the current group icon as sets icon". Imaging a newbie come from
> other graphics software which has group layer concept as
> in the most graphics software,  s/he except the "sets" behaves as group
> layer since most softwares use "Folder" icon as group layer.

> From UX point of view (I am doing researching job for UI Redesign), Group
> concept in current synfig will be replace be a filter system of
> layers, I have some initial ideas in my mind: each layer can be tagged by
> user, and can be filtered. I will find time to draw some mockups
> and post in here or forums to brainstorm.

I see now. Yes, it's better to redesign Group/Set icons.
Also, you right - the "Groups/Sets" are exactly the same as the "Tag".

2012/5/13 Yu Chen <jco...@gmail.com>:
> 2)
> For BLine, I have one proposal : just use "Line". Curve is fine to me too,
> be based on my experience, if I saw a word curve, I will always
> expect the line is a non-straight line :) BLine can be a straight line,
> isn't it?

2012/5/21 Timothée Giet <anim...@gmail.com>:
> Line is indeed more accurate than curve as it can be straight as you said.
> But it's also a very "generic" term.
> In a discussion with Genete, he proposed "Spline", and I like this proposal
> (actually I thought about this too before but I wasn't sure if it was really
> correct, but now I know it is :) )

2012/5/21 David Rylander <rylle...@gmail.com>:
> Not sure about this. I think bline is rather good. It doesn't have a
> different meaning in other software or contexts and it doesn't take very
> long to learn what it means in Synfig.
> Path is definitely not a good name, I see paths of action before me or
> paths which objects follow.
> With Spline I see vector curves used for altering animation in graph
> editors in 3D softwares.

About "BLine" - there's no such word at all. As well as "Param". It's a slang.
"Spline" is too mathematic-oriented.
"Line" looks too generic.
My vote is for "Curve". Just a personal preference. ^__^"

2012/5/21 David Rylander <rylle...@gmail.com>:
> Another think that is slightly confusing is "params" which is not a real
> word. Googling gives that it's sometimes used as slang for parameters in
> different prorgamming languages.
> For non programmer users I think we can change to using "parameters panel".

Yes, I totally agree.



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