2012/5/21 David Rylander <rylle...@gmail.com>:
> 2012-05-21 15:09, Zelgadis skrev:
>> I understand, that "Encapsulated layer" in synfig is not the same as
>> group in other software.
>> BUT, I still insist  on renaming to Group and I have a reason for that.
>> Let me share with you my experience of teaching Synfig to kids (age of
>> 14 - 17 years old).
> I change my mind. I agree with Konstantin. He has a very valid point.
> Groups is much, much easier to understand and more consistent with other
> software.
> They are immediately understood which is not the case with capsules.
> How do we handle the changes. Now we will have very huge changes in what
> things are called in Synfig, in some cases even new functions for old
> names (groups).
> There are bound to be users coming to the forums with older versions and
> being told new way of doing things or people with older versions going
> to the wiki and getting very, very confused.

Yes, that's the reason why we need to do that sooner. The more we
postpone that reorganization -  the more problems we will have (amount
of posts on the forum is growing, we have more and more new users,
more documentation...).

I think Carlos will agree to handle changes in code (change only
labels, not variables).
I can take responsibility for changes in documentation. But I will
need help of you all to review the wiki pages (we can split the data
into parts, for example I will review pages starting with A-H, someone
else - H-O, etc...)
Forums will stay untouched.
The problem is that the changes in documentation need to be done
quickly and this process should be synced with the release. Changing
and reviewing documentation is a LOT of work. I think we can fit that
into one week.

So we need to define our schedule.
I will be available in periods 10-30 June and 10 July - 30 August. (On
summer I will be working on Morevna, but I will be able to fit one
week of documentation + release routines).
My suggestion is to plan release on 30 June or 30 July and work on
documentation changes a week before the release.


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