I like the suggestions here. From the current list, I agree with:
Cpoint -> Color Stop
Encapsulate -> Group
Groups -> Sets

"Control points" seems too long for such a common term: especially in
phrases like "tangent control point". Shortening it to "controls" or
just "points" may not work ("controls" is ambiguous, "tangent point"
has a different meaning). I suggest Handles, Nodes, or Anchors.

For BLine I like "Spline" the most, but it still seems technical. What
about making the name less prominent? (Shape tool/Outline layer/Region
layer, and use Spline only in the parameter panel)

Also, some more suggestions:
Children panel -> Library (Upgrading it to function more like a
"library" in other tools wouldn't hurt too)
Import -> Place (Following a convention from desktop publishing:
"place" a JPEG vs. "import" an SVG. "Place" implies embedding,
"import" implies a file format conversion)


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