I think Steve meant "adjacent to the roadway such that you can move
onto/across the roadway at your convenience". This adjacency is important in
jurisdictions where cyclists are allowed to do this (ie where the use of the
lane/track is optional), and where there are a significant prevalence of
side-roads that you can only access by moving across the general
traffic (rather than turning at a signal-controlled junction). There's also
quite a lot of evidence that being adjacent to the roadway has advantages
from a safety point of view (cars are a lot more likely to see you). They
also tend to be a bit faster / less obstructed.

I wasn't aware of any distinction between cycleway=track and
highway=cycleway, other than that the first doesn't render (yet) and the
second renders badly.


On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Andre Engels <andreeng...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 4:16 PM, Steve Bennett <stevag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Yeah, but it's really just an enhanced bike lane - a path for bikes that
> > closely follows the road. To me, the "follows the road" is the crucial
> > distinction, so it's a kind of cycleway=lane, possibly with another tag.
> I disagree; cycleway=track and cycleway=lane both follow the road - if
> they did not, I really think the cycleway should be drawn in
> separately. To me, the crucial distinction is whether there is any
> kind of 'barrier' between cycleway and the rest of the road. If there
> is no barrier (but only stripes, colour difference or such), I use
> cycleway=lane. If there is some (like a bump or a height difference,
> such as here), I use cycleway=track. If the barrier has considerable
> width (more than half a meter or so), I prefer to draw the cycleway
> separately.
> --
> André Engels, andreeng...@gmail.com
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