On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 9:59 AM, Richard Mann <
richard.mann.westoxf...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> While we're about it, there's a few other potential values for cycleway
> (for interest mainly):
> cycleway=buslane (shared with buses)

Has potential.

> cycleway=filterlane (explicitly shared with nearside-turning traffic)

Has potential.

> cycleway=tight (nearside lane is shared with traffic and is <3.1m wide

Two descriptive. Sounds awfully much like "cycleway=no" to me.

> cycleway=spacious (nearside lane is shared with traffic and is >3.7m wide,
> more if typical traffic speed is faster than 40kph)

There's something here. If you look at:


This is Springvale Rd, in Melbourne's eastern suburbs. I'm told that that
left lane (on the northbound side) is deliberately wider to cater for
cyclists. It's not really a bike lane, but there is some benefit for
cyclists there.

> cycleway=critical (nearside lane is shared with traffic and between tight
> and spacious)


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