On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 5:43 AM, Morten Kjeldgaard <m...@bioxray.dk> wrote:

> On 08/12/2009, at 11.17, Steve Bennett wrote:
> > Given this, it would be fair to say that the "meaning" of
> > cycleway=track is a two-way copenhagen-style bike lane.
> If "copenhagen-style" refers to the danish capital, this is something
> of a misnomer; there are practically _always_ a one-way path in each
> side of the street in Copenhagen and the rest of Denmark. Two-way
> cycleways are quite rare.
I was a bit unclear.

"copenhagen-style bike lane" = single way by default.
I was suggesting that "cycleway=track", tagged on a road, would mean a
*two-way* copenhagen-style bike lane, because "cycleway=*" is two-way by
default, track= means segregated from other traffic, and that's what the
logical combination of those two ideas would mean.

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