Hi there.

In the last few days, the Portuguese community has been trying to create
a national standardization with the heritage tag.
We came up to a possible solution which can be seen at the wiki page
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:heritage> based on the previous
information on the wiki itself.

Still, I have some questions I would like to raise here:
- is ref:xxx=* a good solution to add the official reference
code/number? Why not heritage:ref:xxx as stated here
Doesn't this collide with other ref tags?
- the same for xxx:inscription_date=*. Wouldn't it be more consistent to
use heritage:xxx:inscription_date=* ?
- we've adopted the tag protection_title=* to define the protection
category of the heritage, although the German wiki clearly states this
is used for natural areas only. Would it be better to create another tag
or is OK to adapt this one, since this is also a protected feature?

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