> If you believe that your argument in favor of tagging reservoirs as landuse is
> strong, then you should have no objection to placing this question up for a
> community vote, and allowing the community the freedom to decide.

  Brian, landuse=reservoir is the ORIGINAL and ACTIVE schema. Why
should anybody propose the vote for it?

  I do not like voting on wiki because it is clearly a flawed process
(as discusses a number of times), what do 20 wiki participants/people
mean against the actual mappers? We could end up in the same situation
as with original water=reservoir proposal where somebody with barely
few months of participation in OSM and no knowledge of GIS/Carto
makes/influences the decision/proposal...

  And what is a problem of listing benefits of water=reservoir schema?
If there are none, then the only logical decision is to deprecate
water=reservoir, because it would make it worse of the two. Shouldn't
we get ARGUMENTS before we go to any kind of voting/decision?

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