
the past few weeks have been stormy for proposals:
- people opening 4 or more RFCs to collect opinions
- RFCs or votes that open and close in less than 12 hours
- Proposals that go to vote on the 14th day, even though
this is the minimum time limit and the problems in progress
have sometimes not been resolved.
- nominees to make even more simultaneous proposals
without showing that it is just one person

How could we improve this ?
- limit to 1 simultaneous proposal per person?
- limit this to active contributor status in the osmf sense?
- encourage the use of the "resolved" tag in the talk page
to see visually if the points have been addressed or not?
- improve the wording for the 14 day minimum time limit which
is too often understood lately as "pfff 14 days to wait" ?
- limit the scope of proposal ?
- any other ideas?


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