
On 10/20/22 15:53, Casper Kersten wrote:

- limit to 1 simultaneous proposal per person?

I oppose this idea. Sometimes people just have plenty of free time and good ideas and use this to make and share proposals. I see no reason to hinder them.

These people could use their free time to make one successful proposals instead of five unsuccessful ones that waste everyone's time because they are half-hearted.

I like the idea.

- limit this to active contributor status in the osmf sense?

I strongly oppose this. The OSMF does not control OSM and it should stay that way. If people want to improve OSM without having to get directly involved with the OSMF I see no reason to hinder them.

The OSMF should not be involved but the OSMF's definition of an "active contributor" could nonetheless be used. It would make it less likely to get proposals from people who don't map and therefore are unlikely to be able to make a good proposal.

All this said, I do appreciate good quality proposals and constructive discussions. I'm happy with all these creative proposals that are being put forward. OSM isn't finished yet, after all.

Keep in mind that the proposal process isn't a one-way street. It can only work as long as for every one proposal there are dozens of people who can read and constructively participate in the development of the proposal. The capacity for new proposals is limited.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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