Le 20.10.22 à 14:59, Illia Marchenko a écrit :
I think that additional restrictions are unnecessary, unless proper reason.
If the reason was not clear enough, i rephrase it :
if you open RFCs to close them in less than 12 hours, it's a worry
for the time of the others who started to read the proposals. making
a proposal is not a sprint, you have to aim for quality, not quantity.
If there are peaks of "too many" RFCs followed by tiptop votes on the
14th day because one or more contributors have a peak of free time, this
does not create a peak of free time for the others, so the community
will deal with the RFCs as best it can... and for the rest, we will end
up with no votes because we sprinted instead of aiming at quality.
I have the impression that doing an RFC has become a goal in itself to
put on a CV, there are even profiles of people listing their RFC on
their profile page, including those who have messed up, I find this a
big concern
that's why I think it's useful to try to smooth out these peaks a bit...
there's no reason why you can't write RFCs, even 100 per day off if you
want to, that's not why you have to vote on everything tiptop 14 days
after your holiday
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