Jens Glad Balchen via Tagging <> writes:

> That does seem to capture it when used on roads. I see it's mostly
> used for private roads. Is this tag use undisputed if used with
> national/state/county/municipal? E.g. do people object to it being
> redudant?

You said you didn't like operator, and I suggest stepping back and
considering the world and multiple possible data consumers, not just the
ones currently on the table.

operator= as I understand it should name the entity that is performing
whatever operations make sense for the object.   For a road, that's road
maintenance, snowplowing, debris removal.   operator should in my view
actually name an entity, not say "county".  seems to be what you are
looking for, to denote ownership.

There seems to be an underlying assumption that the owner is the
operator.  That's likely often true.  But if you want to report issues,
that should go to the operator, not the owner.

You also seem to be looking for "national/state" type key which would
not contain the actual owner, but instead need processing by finding an
admin boundary and then a lookup table.  I'm not sure what's best but I
think we should realize that we are talking about denormalization of the
db vs not and that both approaches have issues.

In my part of the US, the situation is:

  For most roads, the land is not actually owned by the government (even
  though almost nobody understands this).  For some I'm sure it is.

  Usually there is an easement for the road.

  The government would own the pavement placed on the land :-)

  operation/maintenance would be done by a state, county, or
  municipality (admin_level 4/6/8, normally).

  In Massachusetts, Interstate highways are maintained by the state
  government, specifically the agency "MassDOT".

  Most local roads are maintained by cities/towns.

  Some roads are designated and signed "state highway" and are
  maintained by MassDOT.  Some "numbered state highway" are also "state
  highway" and MaasDOT-maintained and some are not so designated, and
  thus maintained by the Town.  Actually it is section by section.  Many
  people are unclear on this.

  There are "private ways" that are much like "public ways" execpt that
  sometimes the town maintains them and sometimes the town does not.  A
  town might do snow removal and debris removal but not pavement
  maintenance on a particular one.

  There are places you can drive which are not even private ways, such
  as service roads at shopping centers, and residential driveways.
  These are maintained by the property owners.

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