On Apr 16, 2023, at 3:10 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 16 Apr 2023, at 23:28, Jens Glad Balchen via Tagging 
>> <tagging@openstreetmap.org> wrote:
>> If the operator tag is missing and the owner tag is present, isn't it the 
>> general assumption that the owner is also the operator -- i.e. that the 
>> owner information is a relevant substitute for the operator information that 
>> you don't have?
> yes, if you don’t have an operator tag looking at potential owner tags could 
> make sense. In the reality of tagging, it is much more likely you encounter 
> the opposite case, in combination with “highway” there are about 100k 
> instances of owner and ownership and similar tags while there are 1,4M 
> operator combinations.
> https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/highway#overview

Very helpful, Martin; thank you.

The tags owner=* and operator=* are "linked" in a sense, in that it often 
(usually?) makes sense to parse as full a context as possible from not only 
one, but both tags.  In the event one tag or the other is missing, be careful 
not to make assumptions.  Existing tagging numbers indicate OSM "knows less 
about ownership" and "more about operatorship" (maybe around 14 to 1).

And, when parsing, downstream, we shrug our shoulders a bit if one or the other 
is missing and don't make assumptions, knowing that to do so is fraught with 
peril.  Sometimes you might match a lucky guess (if one of these tags is 
missing, and you begin to assume), especially if "cultural contexts" are 
"similar" or so.  I'd advise against that behavior (assumption), as it often 
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