On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 1:39 PM, John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tagged one in NSW a while back, I just tagged it as
> amenity=restaurant but that probably isn't the best thing to tag it
> with.
> Might be worth tagging them as amenity=sport_club and then adding some
> details to the wiki about it.

I'd double check that term. I haven't heard it used in this way. To
me, a "sports club" is something like the local footy club buildings,
the surf livesaving club, the bowls club... That is, focused very much
on the members playing sport, not playing pokies.

So, if you want to tag a commercial gaming venue and restaurant,
"sports_club" seems like a really confusing tag to use, for the rest
of the world. Of the existing tags, "amenity=pub" seems the best fit.

Suggestions for new tags:
amenity=private_club (access=public :))
amenity=pokies (let's be honest)

If this kind of thing is specific to a region, it would make sense to
use a regionally specific tag, I have to say, rather than having the
same tag used to mean different things in different parts of the

Some more general "organisation=" tags would be very useful though. I
still don't see how to tag non-profit clubs, charities etc.


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