On Mon, 14 Dec 2009, John Smith wrote:
> > I'm still trying to see how this is very different from "amenity=pub"
> > with another "amenity=pokies" (or whatever), and "name=Smithtown
> > Crocodiles Sports Club". Would it render differently from a pub?
> That's the whole point, they aren't a pub and they should render
> differently. Even if they don't render immediately we can submit a
> feature enhancement to have them render with a different pictogram.
I've been tagging them 'pub' but i agree that they aren't 'pub' because 
legally they aren't for public access, (NSW members + travellers)
then i put in another node with the same name for the bowling green or golf 
course or foooty ground.

trouble with the combine amenities approach is that we can only have one 
amenity on a node, but amenities are getting so broad, there is often need for 
more than one amenity on a node


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