2009/12/14 Steve Bennett <stevag...@gmail.com>:
> I'm still trying to see how this is very different from "amenity=pub"
> with another "amenity=pokies" (or whatever), and "name=Smithtown
> Crocodiles Sports Club". Would it render differently from a pub?

That's the whole point, they aren't a pub and they should render
differently. Even if they don't render immediately we can submit a
feature enhancement to have them render with a different pictogram.

> What's the significance of the different tag - does someone with a map
> need to know that this pub+pokies+restaurant is somehow special?

With that sort of logic we don't need a tag for half the stuff in the
database we can just combine tags because they're similar :)

> OTOH, a tag that combines "pub+pokies+restaurant" *would* be useful,
> as there are rather a lot of them. Regardless of whether they're
> associated with sports clubs. Zagames (google it if needed) is another
> example: a commercial venue combining restaurant, bar, and pokies. I
> guess they're known as "entertainment venues" or "bistros" or
> whatever.

THe name= would distinguish them.

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